Everyone knows the appropriate solution is drying the device in your microwave.
-brought to you by terrible advice duck or whatever
ghost riding the apocalypse cuz there’s no way off this ride
Everyone knows the appropriate solution is drying the device in your microwave.
-brought to you by terrible advice duck or whatever
Really seems like it’s all become so carefully curated and commoditized that the personality and rough edges and accidents that made any of it noteworthy have been hewn away. American culture is populated by what might as well be walking, talking avatars designed solely to billboard for Disney and Nestle and a few big corporate interests. But, wtf do I know. Maybe I’m just too old for this shit.
don’t have a life, don’t have content to post. don’t really need it pointed out. refreshing to forget
Of course not. Rich people are fucking weasels. How do you think they get rich? They weasel the system. They weasel the profits of other people’s productivity. They leave death and chaos in their wake. They lie, cheat, steal and rewrite the rules to suit them.
The M clearly stands for Mahoney.
Isn’t there still one in California or’d they turn it into spiderman or something?
Late 70’s new romantic/proto-goth
I know this sounds crazy, but hear me out: 2 bed covers. Then, every time it’s time to wash one, as you go to switch 'em, you get her excited about the one that’s been in the closet since last wash. No more sad times.
Bold move assuming we all want to exist.
‘If god really loves you he’ll rape you and leave you pregnant at 14 so you can go give birth in a barn.’
They also touch when you just shut the hell up.
The only attention this should be getting is inquiry into whether sanctions were violated to make it happen.
If any of those “freely provided resources” can identify you, they’re gonna tell hr about it, who will then find a way to fire you before your problems become their problems. That’s the “early intervention” corporations are paying those services to provide.
Just leave. They’re probably listening to you while trying to remain motionless because they can’t stand people in the morning. Go home. Break the silent stale mate.
Pan of water brought to boiling on the stove. Add grounds 30 seconds after removing from heat. Wait several minutes. Strain through fine mesh seive directly into cup.
No machine or dedicated apparatus required.
They’re not a political party. There’s no actionable platform, no leadership, no direction. It’s not possible to band together around things that they’re against and still get things done. Cry all day about it, but any adult knows you can’t turn back the clock.
To lead you have to have a way forward. Republicans haven’t been able to figure this out for decades because they aren’t a cohesive group. They’re a backwards coalition of bastards and need to be divided into their corners under dunce caps until they can coalesce into separate parties under actionable terms.
RIP MAG. Never forgotten.
Need to start launching from Australia at this rate. Maybe then they’ll show up in the correct vertical orientation.