Alive & vertical.
Suburban Chicago since 1981.
Alive & vertical.
Eh, it was good when I got it. Who am I to turn down a free dual socket server though? :)
I have an old rackmount server I got for free. Dual Xeon X5650s, 192GB of RAM, four 8TB HDDs, and a pair of 250GB SSDs. I can only use it in the basement because it’s too loud to run anywhere else, but even then, it’s currently off because it trips its circuit breaker under heavy load.
A power strip full of Pis in a k3s cluster doesn’t do that. I used a 2GB model 4 for the control plane and 3Bs as the workers.
You can do it on a handful of Raspberry Pis rather than one, then.
This - but I’d take it a step further and use a small-ish USB 3.2 SSD with Ventoy instead. That way, your live Linux experience isn’t kneecapped by having to load programs off a slow USB stick. In a pinch you can use a SATA SSD with a USB-SATA adapter too, that way you can cram a ton of ISOs on there and go to town.
If the user really wants a new browser, Flatpak is always an option.
Gotta tiptoe to the “murder” word on the euphemism treadmill first.
Rudder PCU? Like the United 585, USAir 427, and Eastwind 517 rudder PCUs?
Boeing. The 737 was introduced in the 1960s. Design something new and move on.
Yep, hard-line lawful neutral. Though I lean chaotic evil when someone high enough on the food chain starts complaining.
Powerwash Simulator.
As I’m sure pudding fingers will be inspired to make this into an actual law, and as I’m sure he doesn’t know what “ex post facto” means, I look forward to seeing this applied to my over-22-year-old childless sister.
Need to launch DaVinci Resolve Studio from the CLI to figure out why it won’t launch from the GUI, and then launch it again with a list of libraries to exclude in order to get it working.
Really weird errors if you try to use a USB stick formatted with FAT after applying a kernel update but before rebooting.
Multiple password prompts when attempting to update Flatpak applications over ssh in its default configuration.
Basic applications included with commercial operating systems often missing (e.g. paint application missing from Pop!_OS).
Good luck figuring out emergency mode if you don’t know what fstab is. And changing kernel parameters on Rocky 9 must be handled via grubby, not by editing configs like in Debian, Arch, or Pop.
Can’t emulate SSD on VM qcow2 files on Debian unless you use the version in backports; can emulate SSD but can’t use anything involving spice in RHEL9+clones unless you add a copr repo because it’s been removed. This makes desktop virtualization annoying.
Can’t participate in Microsoft Teams calls if the input and output audio devices are the same device or the call disconnects/reconnects every few seconds. Microphone and speaker must be separate devices for optimal experience.
Can’t use OBS Virtual Camera in Teams on Firefox.
That’s the stuff I’ve dealt with in the past 3 weeks.
Somewhere, an ISO27001 auditor’s jimmies started rustling.
I prefer Master of Puppets to Ride the Lightning for the overall heavier sound, and the distinct lack of acne in Hetfield’s voice. However, those two albums are definitely their top two.
So the Hygon Dhyana CPUs ended up not being different enough from the Zen 1 Epycs to make the list, then? Interesting.
7.0.90 here, that one had kernel 2.4. Been a minute.
Nah nah, HyperCard was the Apple shit.
Im at peace knowing that i bought it off the previous owner and not from the company, but that is completely fair.
Dev One laptop isn’t bad, got one on eBay for less than half of its original price and it’s a solid machine. Other than that, HP can chew glass.
Appointed by Biden? This one’s gonna be fired next.