I use https://wekan.github.io/ for tracking items to repair.
Ah yes. Good point. I haven’t used it myself yet as I’ve not had reason too. Just on my list of Tailscale things to try out
Wouldn’t Tailscale funnel achieve what they want? https://tailscale.com/kb/1223/funnel
As an aside you can use Nextcloud’s WebDAV to sync Joplin if you wanted to reduce the number of services running on your server. Not sure how it compares in performance though.
Yep, have read it, but not more than once.
Only two so far
Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
Gone away world
Nextcloud has the file system available via WebDAV. Mount the WebDAV to a local mount and go from there perhaps?
Easiest way would be to use the Nextcloud desktop app which will mount your Nextcloud and present them inside nautilus for you to do as you wish.
That’s what thought. But also missing the eye patch
Very close but the hat seems different. But it’s the closest I have seen so far. Thank you!
That was one reason I procrastinated so long about moving. But I figured I’d take the plunge and see how I get on