Yeah! Geomag, tomography, and dating are all really important tools, and magma dynamics is a whole encyclopedia waiting to be written. So cool!
Yeah! Geomag, tomography, and dating are all really important tools, and magma dynamics is a whole encyclopedia waiting to be written. So cool!
I have started daydreaming of a career change to geology. There are just so many unanswered questions and its not like space or physics were these questions are tinyor super far away. You can just walk upto a geologic puzzle and hit it with a hammer.
Completely unrelated. North and south america wern’t attached when the appalachians were tall. The Andes are formed by an ocean plate (the Nazca plate) dragging as it is sucked under south america. They are tall, and still growing taller.
Small? The Appalachians today are the resting skeleton of a mountain range so tall and enduring that the mud and sand that washed off them piled miles high and formed the Catskill mountains. The Appalachians were so mighty that their garbage formed mountains
This is misleadingly reductionist. California high speed rail has made consistant progess in that time. That progress has been slower than ourslowest expectations. It demonstrates the void of expertise the US has in rail megaprojects. However, that expertise is being built, slowly and painfully. Its still forward progress for a nation which tore up half its rail overthe last 50 years.
I’ve gotten serious pushback from them for advancing basic anarchist ideas. The prevailing ideology amongst hexbear users is not anarchist.
If a person thinks more people should see an unpopular opinion, they snould upvote it. Theres no karma here. The function of up and down vote is promotion or relegation.
An upvote means that the content should be shared, a downvote means it should not.
My baseball team plays God Bless America during the seventh stretch, and people stand up for that, and then make comments when I don’t. I’m a vet, and I only stand for the star spangled because people make even more comments. I did my duty, I’m done with jingoistic bullshit
Dark humor is humor generated from your own pain.
Edgy humor is humor generated from the pain of others.
The first one is funny, the second is boring and shitty
If you don’t understand the mechanisms of arithmetic, algebra is going to be a challenge. If you don’t understand algebra, lots of other things that are applicable to daily life and trades are also out.
I use geometry and trig for gardening. I do unit conversions (algebra) in cooking. I use simple probablilty in gaming.
All of this comes down to my ability to perform arithmetic operations on abstract symbols. A calculator can give me the numeric results, but it can’t help me manipulate the equation to get the answer I need.
In the Speedwriting shorthand system, developed in 1924 for use with typewriter, / Is used to denote omitted sylables, so ‘with’ becomes w/ and ‘without’ becomes w/o. Here is a pretty deep guide on the precepts of Speedwriting: