aristocrats of old = new oligarchs.
aristocrats of old = new oligarchs.
Holy sh*t! So some other nations have to fight for Putins Russia as russian people won’t? Right? A czar without support by own people. Last time Russia had this was with czar Nikolaus II. He was killed by some of his own. With almost all his family. Bright future! For us, not for Putin.
There’s bloody stuff under the skin?
Elon Musk! It’s time for him to take over USA. Like he did with Twitter. Let that sink in!
Stupid overpriced toy boy!
Yeah, you true. Get out the popcorn and watch USA go down either with a 3yo minded constant liar or a 80+yo laggard. And learn mandarin.
And russian trolls do their best … or worst right now. And chinese leaders wait and smile.
I god, obey! Chauvinism, pure chauvinism. Tho … english … is a melting pot of languages. As many other languages were before. So it might as well be the laziness of Americans. Forget where they or their ancestors came from and forget about politeness.
Yes, but with real physics, more damage for us all and neither Sandra nor George were asked to act.
Just imagine for a short … Biden takes drugs. AND still has the better answers to all our problems than this un-drugged (?!) 3yo mind in a slightly younger body. Wouldn’t THAT be a real game changer? Shouldn’t DJT then too use drugs? No?
Forever? /s
So LEGO lost their copyright to our ancestors? Or is it a knob thing only?
I developed methods which can tell you what women think too. It’s called Talking2M. It’s fun, mostly 3d, open world scenarios, sometimes multiple choice answers …
More details to come soontm with version 1,1b. Btw: Get a life!
Shouldn’t there a ‘&’ between ‘religious’ and ‘right’. No1 is both, one term eliminates the other.
Beauty is skin deep only. Stupidity to the core.
1. John 2:4 The one who claims, “I know him,” while not keeping his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in this person.
So OpenAI is next to stop using those too?
So 1. John 2:4 is perfect for him: The one who claims, “I know him,” while not keeping his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in this person.
CCV - conservative CV. Rules are for others
So now you do not chirp, you do xxx?