I do too, but if you could go back a year or 2 and buy a PS5 knowing this would happen, wouldn’t you?
Yes. Basically, our investment is tanking and it sucks. If I could go back, I’d just have bought a PS5. Oh well. It’s better for everyone else I guess
I don’t get this take. Good will doesn’t keep the platform alive. If you want Xbox to survive they need good exclusive games. Otherwise it’s already over. No one buys the hardware, and then no one buys gamepass. Sony is out selling 2:1 right now. Want to guess what that looks like if people can play everything on a PlayStation?
It’s a good time. You alternate who levels up, and only one person can have each item type. Couch co-op only though
We’re upset because we would have just bought a PS5 if they were going to do this. Otherwise, I’m happy for the PS folks.
Lol what? This is a crazy take. I’m not reading you’re comment history to make sense of a single comment
It absolutely is shit. But so is pizza hut. I might give pizza hut a slight edge, but just barely
I don’t get why people like stuffed crust anyways. It sounds like a good idea, but it’s trash
It’s honestly no worse than pizza hut. It’s not great pizza, but the quality is similar for half the price
Heresy! Pepsi is my sugar poison of choice!
I didn’t say every one using drugs has mental health issues. Wrong user.
I will say that drug users live in this weird bubble that over normalizes it. Most people are “boring” and don’t do more than light drinking. We have parties. We have a good time. We don’t generally want to hang out with coke heads.
Not the coke parties. I’m fine with that
Yeah, it’s not at all the fault of you idiots who don’t understand the realities of a two party system
Well, that’s one way to have no influence over who gets into the Whitehouse
No. They can home school or pay for a private school with their own money. I’d rather not subsidize their stupid
Really? They endanger us all and he just doesn’t give a shit what happens to them. Doesn’t really seem equivalent
It’s pretty bad. Notably worse than reddit ever was. It’s enough to make me use their trash app from time to time
I’m honestly not sure! We played wonder but this never happened