I thought about that for a while, but I think it’s not that. At least not entirely. Probably some kind of non conforming fluidity kind of deal
I thought about that for a while, but I think it’s not that. At least not entirely. Probably some kind of non conforming fluidity kind of deal
My GF and I are generally not that into shopping, but if we do I enjoy it. I like to suggest clothes for her, though she usually goes for safer options than what I suggest. We are somewhat similar types, so it’s mostly what I would wear if I was a woman.
Oof. An always online terminal with an AI that does who knows what with the things you type? I don’t think so.
Also, Open Sourcing the client but not the server seems like marketing at best.
A quick Wikipedia also says that they basically run on investor money. Including Sam Altman and Jeff Weiner, the CEO of LinkedIn who had three massive data breaches in as many years.
That’s a hard pass for me.
It does look beautiful though
And if not illegal, definitely unethical
I’m using chrome on phone, because it’s basically part of the operating system, but I did like Fennec. It’s a fork of Firefox mobile with a few more privacy features (or so they advertise)
This is the way.
An employee’s work is what you pay for, their loyalty has to be earned
I’m very much out of the loop actually, but the meme mentions Loli porn. So I assumed the question was about that.
Also, I think somewhere in this thread someone posted a link to screenshots of the whole ordeal, and there is a drawing of a very young person fellating a horse.
Many people find sexualized depictions of minors reprehensible. Regardless of whether or not they are illustrations or photographs.
Another argument I have heard is that people who consume loli might someday not be satisfied with drawings and escalate their consumption to photography or even try to act out their fantasies with real children.
Also, lolicon is outlawed in many jurisdictions (or at least a grey area) since it might fall under cp laws.
Personally I am suspicious of any “slippery slope” argument, but this topic is definitely not something I want to take a strong stance on.
The German word for salmon is “Lachs” but it’s pronounced “Lax”. I wonder who had the word first
I’ve just looked it up and I’ve paid ~300€ last year. But only because I neglected to tell them, that I’ve started training for a new job so my dues would actually be much lower. I’ve just changed it and this year I will pay maybe 30€ or so
Edit: My math was way off ^^’ it’s actually more like 150€/year right now.
Though they do take a percentage of income before taxes, so I think it’s still very fair.
My grandpa is Kurt Cobain, my other grandpa is Tony Hawk, I get recognized wherever I go
I work in IT. My boss is by all accounts very competent in both programming and administration, yet all his documentation basically says “remember to set DoTheRightThing=True”
Edit: I just looked up the documentation for an internal service and under “Error recovery” it just says “The output of command xy should make sense”. fml
*stop going above and beyond before the profits start to trickle down
You are being watched. The government has a secret system, a machine, that spies on you every hour of every day.
You are correct. It is illegal.
The problem is, that the law is not absolute. Neither in it’s writing nor it’s application.
Large companies regularly break the law (especially data protection) and face very little consequences. Either because they can afford a staff of lawyers to find and build loopholes, or through schmoozing with the right desicion makers. Paying a fine of 20 million is not much when you made 20 billion (20 thousand million) in profit.
Even more so, very large companies (think Facebook or Google) hold enough political power to influence or even change laws.
The German equivalent is “Not all cups in the cupboard”
I’m really interested. I’ve never gotten into the way KDE does things, so I’ve always stuck to gnome, but I’m always happy to see development and diversity in FOS Software. I’ll definitely check out some videos about it