Bloodborne, bloodborne, bloodborne!! Lol
Bloodborne, bloodborne, bloodborne!! Lol
Aw that sucks
This application looks fine to me.
Clearly labeled sections.
Local on one side, remote on the other
Transfer window on bottom
Thats how you know its old. Its not caked full of ads, insanely locked down, and trying yo sell you a subscription service.
Happens in other countries too unfortunately, when you hear politicians say “stop buying avacado and toast” or “people are buying too many coffees” and they dont realise theyre talking about the above average income earners not the desperately poor.
I remember downloading game walkthroughs and it came as a downloadable text file. Had sooo much content, awesome ascii art, and you could tell the person made it did so because they enjoyed it and wanted you too
From what i understand, it actually is a name he came up with in the early 2000s and have tried pushing it before.
It came from a long time ago. See the power of people like Elon was being rich enough they could throw money at shit with little risk and also be rich enough to get smart people to do all the good shit.
But he was the face of it all for a long time, people legit saw him as the person who brought in electric cars (yeah i know he wasnt) and thinking space x is the rival to NASA.
Many people idolized him as a genius.
Then he ruined it, and you know why? Because he opend his fucking mouth just like the podcast you’re talking about and many people saw him for the idiot he was.
The problem? Elon himself believed the bullshit, he hinself thought he was a genius. And now hes trying to “run” things and its all falling to the ground. Because he never realized the only reason he had anything good was because of the actual smart people employed there.
“Not to worry, I have a permit”
Dont know about you, but i had to reset my phone and it fixed a lot of the issues i was having.
he sold out too early
I’m actually kind of interested in this point. Going public for many people is about the growth in the company. No one wants to put money in apple because its stocks are expensive. Its because they forsee it going up.
But i thibk youre right he sold out too early. Peope are willing to invest because of the potential outcome of selling api data to ai companies. People are interested to hear the potential financial increase of api prices making more profit. People may be interested of the potential change of nfts or whatever to drive more money.
But all of that has already happened, hes sold out all those items before the ipo. So i feel like a lot of people are like “what growth left is there?” And infact “is that growth negative going forward as users turn away or are hungry to jump ship if possible”
Who knows though what will happen, maybe im entirely wrong.
Holy dayumn, i didnt expect to enjoy this as much as im enjoying it haha great
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The bad part is i wake up andnrealise it was just a dream :/
Lol i do this when the pm wants to note me down as “develor lead” on change requests, and i force him to change it to “developer enthusiast” instead lol i aint leading nothing.
What pisses me off even more is if you start saving too much stuff in your documents/desktop etc you start getting emails from microsoft that your drive is full and you have to purchase more storage (because your harddrive is likely much bigger then your free drive account).
So I know quite a few elderly people who think they now need to pay money to unlock more memory on their computer to save more stuff.
If you have low blood pressure issues, moving to win 11 is a great way to increase it.
I used to trust a lot of things, but then i stopped
Of course, besides the people who fall for the basic “VPN are some magic security device” most people (in particular those that know what they’re getting) always looks for the same thing “which one can I actually trust”.
Even if it’s not government owned you have no idea whose keeping logs, sharing data etc.
So you can really only base your trust on whether the company has come up to any issues with the government and have refused, or has run for a number of years and provide a positive track record. With the changing of laws and how companies work, you also need to regularly check that your they stay respecting privacy and security.
For what it’s worth, a VPN company worth is if it private, security and stands up to scrutiny. The moment trust is lost, the company is meaningless. So that’s something for those that are long lasting.
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Printers i swear all of them hate me. I love it, but just cant deal with printers.