If you like reading the text of the shitpost more than admiring the number of upvotes they received then you really like content more than shitposting for karma
If you like reading the text of the shitpost more than admiring the number of upvotes they received then you really like content more than shitposting for karma
more likely to get robbed for their gun than […] non-carriers
Ya know what? I absolutely believe that, no evidence necessary.
Use of Weapons is among my absolute favorite books. What an absolutely incredible journey
I think Chicago is the only other US city that comes close, their transit is fantastic!
This is awesome, thanks!!!
I really love, and really miss, healing in wow raids circa WOTLK through Cata, specifically using healnot and custom keybinds to keep people alive. I don’t have time or budget for an MMO in my late 30s, nor do I see that easing up anytime soon.
I think a game where you had to do raid mechanics/puzzles while keeping NPCs alive through healing could be really fun, even without a loot grind. Or a game that dropped you into a multiplayer raid encounter without the crap around it. Either could be great.
We are taking the same approach and every word you said landed with me, matched my experience.
I’ll add that this is a VERY different strategy from the approaches taken by both my partner’s and my parents.
It’s not easy, but I think we’re raising better humans than ourselves. On days when it’s exhausting and you’re burned out and you feel like you can’t do it, cling to that.
You’re doing great. It’s worth it. Keep it up! 💚