Don’t stick us all in the same basket, many do not believe in using religion to attack but as a guide to our live not to force our beliefs on others. If not interpreted in a way to show fear or anger at others, it really is a beautiful thing.
Don’t stick us all in the same basket, many do not believe in using religion to attack but as a guide to our live not to force our beliefs on others. If not interpreted in a way to show fear or anger at others, it really is a beautiful thing.
It is sad but this is why religion is separated from the government in any successful country, religion is based not on facts but on how you interpret the words in the bible and one phrase can be interpreted in many ways, in real life things do not work that way. I believe religion can be very beneficial to everyone if used as a guide and not as a means to control others.
When you have farming in dry areas using the water in the aquafirs too much that they cannot be replenished, and grow crops that need a lot of water you have these problems. Once the water dries up they will move to other areas, on and on. One day we will learn, let’s just hope climate change does not do irreparable damage.