Things had “2000” in their names to make them sound cool or futuristic, like Video 2000 or Windows 2000.
Things had “2000” in their names to make them sound cool or futuristic, like Video 2000 or Windows 2000.
Ifall det finns ett RSS-flöde att följa kan du använda RSS Parrot för att tolka flöden till inlägg i Mastodon eller andra tjänster. Dessa inlägg kan man dela, boosta eller kommentarer på.
Yes, XMPP with proper TLS on the server side and Conversations or one of its forks (preferably fetched from F-Droid) using OMEMO encryption should be good enough. If you are brave or paranoid, give Tox a try:
Maybe the first question is what your budget is, both regarding money and time. For example, you could buy a pre-configured NAS from Synology or QNAP, which requires less technical skills but more money, or a home-made solution reusing used components (but fresh disks for reliability). Depending on your electricity costs, you may want to choose a low-power solution or something which you power off when not used. For storage, maybe a three-disk RAID5 is a good compromise. For backups, plain S3 cloud storage encrypted via restic is a good idea.
Those of us who remember ‘Alf’ may wonder if the name is due to taste as well.
Yes, one of the factors that contributed to the demise of Windows Mobile was the lack of backwards-compatibility for apps between 7, 8, an 10.
Qt (the one used by KDE) has progressed not only through a number of owners (Trolltech, Digia, Nokia, …), but also licenses such as the QPL to be triple-licensed under GPL, LGPL, and commercial for most of its components.
I recall hearing that already during the classical antiquity the Greeks and later the Roman could have invented steam engines (for reference of their technical skills see the Antikythera mechanism), but the abundance of cheaper slave workers made this economically infeasible.
Do not put people who strive for power into power, and vice versa.
Seemingly not mentioned so far has been “Battlestar Galactica” (the 2000s version). Less about exploration, more about survival, with action, character development, and philosophical/religious questions.
Did someone say ‘Wing Commander’?