• 5 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I’m starting to wonder if this is all a conspiracy along the lines of some major geological event is going to happen, most of the middle and lower class will die or go through extreme upheaval, and there’s a power grab now so that those in power now already have the institutions and resources set up to keep power in that scenario.

    Something like global warming/apophis asteroid just completely resetting our game board.

    This ties in with the anti LGBTQ+ movement to try and force an increase in population as much as possible so that there can be a larger numbers of foot soldiers for a resource grab.

    It’s all very tin foil hat, but it feels more reasonable than it should considering everything else that’s been happening recently.

    If the above is a thing, Europe should think about offering intelligent US citizens even nicer visa packages to take advantage of the trump hate.

  • I guess it adds up to 12 searches worth of environmental impact with chatgpt+Google (10 searches worth from chatgpt, 2 from Google)

    When I use Google alone it’s often the same as that if not more. Sometimes it’s less if I already know the subject matter, but in those scenarios I would usually give just Google a go first anyway.

    Basically chatgpt often either gives me the answer or a much better starting place for what to Google.

  • The environmental impact is interesting, if an AI search being as environmentally impactful as 10 Google searches is true.

    I don’t know about you, but it often takes a number of Google searches for me to find the right information, whereas with AI and Google combined I usually get the info I need in 1/2 Google searches.

    That means that, based on my personal experience, AI is probably more environmentally efficient at getting me the correct info than google search alone.

  • Many of the recent protests about climate change have been less direct and more about stirring up controversy to force the public to actually think about their decisions.

    My hat off to them as so far this style of protest has been working and has resulted in many of us pushing for better climate control.

    You’re right this isn’t going to stop companies, but even if you disagreed with them it puts climate change in your conscious mind. Even if that simply means you’ll try to make slightly more climate friendly decisions moving forwards, that’s a win.

    Personally I don’t know if I agree with the technique, but I do feel like it has been working in terms of making people discuss this topic more.