I carried BAND-AID® Brand TOUGH STRIPS® (had to go look it up to get all the bullshit right) in my wallet for years. I highly recommend these specifically because they work incredibly well in situations most bandages don’t. I used to slap them all over while working in a wood shop for a variety of reasons. They stay on all day even doing crazy shit. They’ll cover just about anything pretty well including harder spots like fingertips.
I don’t carry them anymore because I have a deathly tape allergy and they will kill me now. I get so many little nicks and cuts to this day that I wish I could slap those fuckers on.
The Supreme Court has already ruled the police have no duty to protect. I highly doubt there will be a ruling in favor of the kids. If there is one, there’s absolutely no fucking way it stands on appeal in the Fifth Circuit or Supreme Court.