Should have called it “Dim and Dimmer.”
Should have called it “Dim and Dimmer.”
Passed an old guy on a hike yesterday who was greeting everyone he passed happily.
His t-shirt said Bad Mood.
“Arrivederci America”
How is this a fertility issue? Are people unable to have children, or just unwilling?
Is this Jeopardy?
I’ll take stupid comments for $1000.
I prefer to make a mock at tan.
Or even hyperbolic cosine.
I wonder what percentage of us don’t.
I’ve never liked horror movies or roller coasters or anything like that.
Long cold days and short colder nights?
“Black eyes. Like a doll’s eye…”
intensive, unless you’re growing some kind of laxative.
If they’re a mother-fucker are they really gay though?
“It tastes like feet!”
Hand down the front of your pants?
Answer: Groucho Marx
Question: What do you get when someone beats you with a Groucho.
“Well, I didn’t vote for you.”
“You stole my Jesus fish!”
I read the title like “you can’t fix stupid”.
e.g. “you can’t teach drunk”
I’m sure it hasn’t happened yet.
One thing has nothing to do with the other.