If you think getting excited for a week about something fun that happened is the problem then idk what to say
If you think getting excited for a week about something fun that happened is the problem then idk what to say
Celebrating your sports team win isn’t any less productive than doom scrolling
Religion affirming care gets an exception when it comes to mutilating little kids
I only understand what you’re talking about because of Kerbal Space Program
People choose to be cops. Choosing which country you live in is a luxury most can’t afford.
The more I thought about what I was trying to say the less it made sense so I intended to delete it but I guess I submitted the unfinished post instead
Will do can also mean enough. Like,
Because scribbles all have correct grammar and spelling, right?
Pretty damn close.
“Your example doesn’t work without the context of the letters inbetween.”
Your e-----------e d-----t w----k w-----------t the c-----------t of the l---------s i-----------------n.
If they’re commonly used words the scribbles end up becoming a form of shorthand that doctors can recognize, but they’re meaningless to anyone who isn’t already familiar with them.
I mean… Yeah? That’s kind of the point isn’t it? Test the waters and figure out just how far they can push it? Find the limit of acceptance and ride that?
In order to keep Trump out of office, you’re not going to vote for his opponent?
So, I know that access to information has made it seem like violent crime is happening more often even though it’s actually been trending down. And I’m just wondering if that same phenomenon is happening with plane problems. Because it feels like there’s a new issue with a Boeing plane every fucking day and I’m just wondering if that’s due to an increase in reporting or if Boeing planes are actually blowing up more often than they used to.
Bro, it’s a trillion ton bridge. You’re comparing a bug flying into a windshield and telling me the windshield should break. R u serious 4 real?
Huyuck. Sorry for that. But this is the kind of shit you’re going to have to deal with. So you better have an answer for it.
I don’t know how to correct my mistake. But, you’re right, I was wrong. Let this be a testament to the truth. Astartes mechanicus Jesus fucking christicius. Amen.
Have you never watched mythbusters? Are we at a point in time where the Mythbusters are ancient history and not simply common knowledge? OMG what year is it? How old am I?
Not according to Jennifer Lawrence, “I remember when I was doing ‘Hunger Games,’ nobody had ever put a woman in the lead of an action movie because it wouldn’t work — we were told girls and boys can both identify with a male lead, but boys cannot identify with a female lead.”
I wish I could stick to Firefox but I’ve been having trouble with looping captchas on there. 90% of the time Firefox works fine but there’s still a handful of websites that just refuse to work unless I’m using chrome.
Everything you saw and thought, “I should help with that.”; they don’t.