Oh ok, i thought you were asking a rhetorical questionquestion.
Oh ok, i thought you were asking a rhetorical questionquestion.
Yes? That’s like saying Black people cant be racist against other ethnic groups because they are both minorities (in USA at least).
I write this way and can’t give a reason why. I usually go back and fix the capitalization afterwards though.
Yeah, only mention it in spanish and then gaslight active who complains
LGB drop the T people hate trans people . A cis gay person can totally commit a hate crime against a transgender person.
Under the same logic, wouldn’t Biden also be ineligible because he was also in the white house (as vp) for 8 years?
That is what i was told as a kid, though that wasn’t enough to get me to eat the cracker.
Damn the world trade center must be filled with maniacs if someone thinks crashing a plane into it is necessary…
The parts of my family that are Trump supporters are all from NYC. I imagine they never have actually met Trump though. I imagine actually meeting him would cure them.
While on some issues they do agree, they do disagree on quite a lot of issues.
Im not sure Donald has a different opinion on this issue.
I have, but the clapping made me think their point wasn’t well thought out.
I don’t want my friends to die from a terrorist attack.
I thought this was going to be an onion article.
NYC practically has the best public transportation in America. Maybe by the standards of other countries it isn’t great, but there is a reason NYC has the lowest car ownership rate in the country.
I’ve been using Fedora KDE on my framework 16 and haven’t really had any issues. Under Wayland, the default behavior is to scale x11 apps, which can result in a bit of blur. Telling x11 apps to scale themselves gets rid of the blur, but also doesn’t seem to scale them.
High utilization affects your score. For example, if you have a credit limit of $1,000 and have a balance of $900 when reported to credit agency, your utilization will be 90%. This will negatively impacts your score even if you pay it off on time. It is possible to avoid this by paying off purchases immediately, since your balance is only sent to the credit agencies once per month. Also if your limit was $10,000 the same balance would only be 9% utilization which is a lot better.
Yeah, when i was in high school in NY, you were allowed to teach as long as you are in a masters program.
I can’t believe the government seized his assets before even convicting him of a crime.
Calling your accusers propaganda isn’t denying it. He hasn’t actually said it isn’t a nazi salute.