He reportedly yelled “killsteal”
He reportedly yelled “killsteal”
That way your info only gets exposed when the VPN sells it
The third half is always the hardest
Wheels need roads, and not everywhere has a road yet
I’m pretty sure the CEO makes more than all of those employees combined
Laughable to think he’s doing more than a sixth of the company lol
Free speech is when the government punishes you for your opnion
I can’t wait for granite construction to abscond with all the money!
You’re forgetting that if a woman does it its a psyop
Qanon? Not a psyop. Fake electors? Not a psyop. Fake evidence of election fraud? Not a psyop. Inciting insurrection at the capital? Not a psyop.
Popular woman wants right to healthcare? PSYOP!!!
Gatekeeper didnt even use TLS, the most basic of security features, so security and privacy were the last things apple were thinking about when they came up with the idea for gatekeeper. This should alarm anyone with their ear to the ground
As for the FBI not being able to unlock phones is exactly what they want you to think, because they do it for money on the regular allegedly.
EDIT: the link you sent is two years old, so IDK why youre complainin about my link being 2 years old
I just posted this to bring visibility to a topic I think has been overlooked.
A lot of people may not be aware of this security flaw, or the general lack of security and privacy with apple products and proprietary software in general.
I know that most people will downvote anything criticizing apple because they are cultists, so it definitely wasnt for karma.
Its a command line tool, but it works great
Which is why, to piss of the Christians this year, we all have to say “happy solstace”