At first I thought they were getting stuff wrong about the battery, but that later say 960 Wh battery.
They do not specifically mention it, but I’m going to assume gear ratio?
At first I thought they were getting stuff wrong about the battery, but that later say 960 Wh battery.
They do not specifically mention it, but I’m going to assume gear ratio?
Your taking about people from over 7000 islands as if it’s one entity.
“A senior doctor from Gaza died last November under interrogation by the Shin Bet, Israel’s internal security service, six days after his detention, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported on Tuesday.”
"He also said that “Rantisi was detained at an army checkpoint while attempting to cross from north to south Gaza, following the Israeli military’s orders for the civilian population to evacuate at the beginning of the war.”
“In a statement, the Shin Bet confirmed the details of Rantisi’s arrest and said he died in the detention center’s infirmary November 17, 2023,” the report noted."
Died in custody, someone should look into it.
122 in freedom units. At 126 (52c) you can prepare sous vide in a few hours depending on cut.
For real though, I’m to old to fight in the water wars, and it’s too hot.
Check out Hirens boot CD if you want to reset windows passwords
These are old laws, and maybe good ones depending on perspective. My understanding is that property should be used if abandoned.
Endangered, beneficial, necessary to the ecosystem. These rules are different everywhere.
Non-stick pans are awesome, just like waterproof camping gear. What’s even more awesome is a company that SELLS chemicals like Chemours dumping chemicals they do not want into our drinking supply.
“What are they going to do, protest?” …this guy probably
Also just want to point out this is just a great example of incremental fascism
Dune 2 is a classic (one of the first) rts that I still love to play today.
The original is super tedious so now I play an updated version with some more features
While I know the people behind laws like this would never care, here is a video I really enjoy by featuring Richard Dawkins.
Don’t forget he’s a founder of No-Labels!
Don’t forget that time a plane was crashed into the White House on 9-11…1994.
Just a massive gift to the for-profit prison industry at a time when evictions are at all time high.
Batman totally uses a gun in Justice League
Also silver age batman used guns
Batman loves a challenge, dude could be going to sweet parties, riding on a yacht, driving supercars (he does do this one tho).
Do not try to go through Front the windshield, it’s super specialized layered glass with a thick plastic center.
This comment makes me Happy!
Some quotes from the candidate:
“There’s no reason anybody anywhere in America should be telling any child about transgenderism, homosexuality, any of that filth. And yes I called it filth. And if you don’t like that I called it filth, come see me and I’ll explain it to you.”
He claimed that the Marvel movie Black Panther was “created by an agnostic Jew and put to film by satanic Marxists” that was “only created to pull the shekels out of your Schvartze pockets”
This is just the tip with this guy, more can be found here
Such a good word to describe Biden. Tepid. Like a beer that’s been sitting while i worked outside, or maybe the last sip of coffee. Not the best, but better than nothing.