Thanks, didn’t know about his “prescription”
Fair, I mainly thinking about drugs you can be under and still participate in a work environment
I have seen people mention ketamine in relation to Musk a couple times and I seem to be lacking some context. Is there any truth or evidence to the claim of is it humorous insult? He certainly looks blasted, but weed seems likely to me.
I am lucky to have welfare and family to turn to. However, my answer would be drugs and walks in or near nature
Haven’t heard of the stack address thing, anyone got a TLDR on the topic?
I fucking love this comic
That is sort the point. Transgender people tend to just want be whatever they want gender-wise, which greatly offends some people. Other than that our language is gendered and many transgender people expect common curtisies, extended gender normative people, to also be extended to them. This being using their preferred pronouns.
The labels just help people talk about their gender and understand it better.
In Denmark it’s called Grade 0. 4-5 Grade 1-10. 6-15 Gymnasium (not sure why?) 15-18
I am continually surprised that desire his numerous flaws he doesn’t appear vain. He could look better if he wanted, but he clearly doesn’t care enough