Let’s not pin cult leaders against each other now
Let’s not pin cult leaders against each other now
hear hear
You make a good point
Yeah you can, music artists do it all the time - you get them on branding, merch.
Here’s the Lee Lemon clip:
No one is naked. Kiff is reacting to the statement itself. The nudity comes later and isn’t reacted to.
Here’s the Lola clip:
Note that before Zapp even mentions Leela’s name, the patrons are already sickened by him singing it. Kiff doesn’t react here, so I might have confused a memory, but still, that’s quite a reaction by the audience, no?
Same with Futurama. Kif repeatedly reacting disgusted at Zapp’s more homoerotic antics or singing a pro-trans song, do not seem to sit right when watched with a modern eye.
we understand the implications, we just assume that the negatives will happen to others and that the positives will grant us a temporary reprieve in which to plug existing holes
The problem with cooperation and compassion is that it literally takes one dick to ruin it. If we could incentivize the psychopaths in society to collaborate for their own good, then at least we’d strike a nice balance, but our economies aren’t structured that way.
A system that can be so easily destabilized is not a system that has planned for the long term. I think we’re slowly getting there, as even the dicks in society are beginning to realise that they can be shunned for their public actions, and that shunning does come with real financial consequences.
large efforts are being made, its just not up to par with what people are expecting from their governments
They make the shows actually accessible so that they can reach the desired audience and generate a fanbase in the first place, which producers could then use to exploit for revenue.
If you covet a precious jewel behind closed doors, people will just walk on by without knowing its value
producers don’t make the content, they speak to the right people in their exclusive circles to finance it, put their name on it, and then pay the directors and actors a tiny fraction of what it earned
They had to operate under the radar to avoid the law, so you know the answer to your question
well alright, but I’m going to have to report this
Does Netflix make shows? Or does it slam its name onto filmmakers it pays to make content? If so, one of those things simply requires throwing cash at people, which I think is a skill that most people can learn.
say it again, friend, but in french
Burger King had actual Mac&Cheese burger patties for a very brief period and it was the best thing ever.
Hey, I was agreeing with you. If even the far-right consume the foods of the very cultures they rally against, then those cultures have already assimilated into the public’s unconscious
Nah, I think it’s more; “as someone who consumes 90% of culture X, and gets 90% of the X references, what is the significance of this 10% X reference which has no analog in my native culture?”
Or to put it concisely: “even the fascists eat kebabs”
Yes both are crooks, but one has performed far far more crimes than the other.
But okay, if > 1 is your threshold than by that measure they’re complete twins.