Pignorant is another investigation into UK gas chambers for pigs that’s available on Prime video btw.
Let’s abolish slaughterhouses.
Pignorant is another investigation into UK gas chambers for pigs that’s available on Prime video btw.
Let’s abolish slaughterhouses.
Actually most of the plastic in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch come from fishing and and fish farming/aqua-culture.
Yeah the water where I live is at 36+ °f making it a not insignifiant part of my daily calcium
In my EU country, most do contain calcium, as well as vitamin D and sometimes B12 and iode .
Although I have to say I get almost if not all of my calcium from water, vegetables and tofu as I rarely drink any plant based milk.
Yeah, two years ago I was kinda not sure what the issue was not actually following the thing too closely. Then I watched Shaun’s video essay on YouTube, discussed with some trans friends about the issue and started checking her twitter.
She literally only tweets about trans people all day every day and often insinuates they are rapists/pedo etc.
She’s crazy.
Actually most leather seems to be coated in plastic as well.
I actually just watched a nice video on vegan leather vs animal leather and comparing the ecological impact (as well as other factors)
That’s it, now I’m gonna go eat twice as many legumes as I usually eat just because of this post!
I usually buy my audiobooks on https://libro.fm/. They do not have everything but most of what I read is on there (I might be lucky).
This way I can also support my local library.
Even funnier, is that the economic driving force of the soy industry is soybean meal for animal feeds compared to soybean oil.
Based on the productivities of soybean oil and soybean meal, revenues from soybean oil and soybean meal are ~23% and ~77% respectively. Though the oil expelling process is used to produce oil, the soybean meal is actually the driving force for the whole production system.
According to https://www.mdpi.com/2077-0472/9/5/87
It’s a screenshot of a screenshot. Someone posted on the subreddit mildlyinteresting about olive oil and egg. Then someone else screenshotted that and posted it on vegancirclejerk lamenting about eggs.
Then it got acreenshotted and posted here.
So yes olive oil is vegan and no that was not the claim made by the person but I agree that it’s confusing
I’m pretty sure their app are Foss software. Here is the android client https://github.com/ProtonMail/proton-mail-android which is GPL 3
Yes CS2 has an offline mode.
Ok it feels like you’re just starting to spam answers without even taking the time to argument on why you think something. I try to take the time to justify my position and you just answer with small sentences that don’t do anything for an interesting discussion.
Let’s stop there, have a nice day.
What’s your morally relevant argument for killing for example cows for taste pleasure and not humans then? What’s this special trait humans have that other sentient being do not possess that allows us to do that to them?
Yes I agree in principle that it’s a discrimination. They way I used discrimination was implying that someone on the “bad” side of the discrimination could be discriminated against. My bad I should have clearly defined the way I used this term. Sorry English is not my first language as well.
In any case a discrimination that does not hurt the discriminated or another sentient being is of no consequence for me.
But you would agree that the rocks themselves cannot have an issue with it? That’s the gist of the sentientist position. Sentient beings have an interest in living, not being exploited and thus the sentientist position goes further and say that for the same reasons we say that humans have a right to live (i.e.: not being killed) or being exploited, we should extend the same rights to sentient beings because there is no morally relevant difference between us and other sentient beings that would justify killing them when you would not kill a human being in the same position.
Note that this does not mean all sentient beings should have exactly the same rights. Obviously giving the right to vote to a cow does not make sense, the same way we don’t give the right to abortion to cis men because they cannot make use of this right.
Ok let me unpack your two points:
The difference with the sentience criteria is that a non-sentient being by definition cannot be hurt by actions taken against their being as there is quite literally no subject, no one, to experience anything. Would you say that someones that likes smashing rocks is discriminating against rocks? Of course not because it makes no sense to speak about discrimination for a non sentient being/object. The only time where you can make an argument that doing something to a non sentient being is an issue is when it affects a sentient being.
Again as I’ve literally stated in my earlier comment the discrimination is not based on species but on sentience. If you want a more concrete example, let’s imagine a philosophical zombie or in other terms a non-sentient human. I would not include such a being in my moral circle by itself as it would lack sentience.
I guess we all have our blind spots :)
Again that’s a misunderstanding of the position. The discriminatory criteria is sentience. If a plant was found to be sentient, this plant would be included in the moral circle. You can make the same argument for things we consider animals but lack all of what we currently consider needed for sentience. An example would be a sea sponge. I personally do not include a sea sponge in my moral circle and I do not think they have any sentience even though they are considered animals. I would also consider someone that says sea sponge should be included in our moral circle just because they are part of the animal kingdom to be quite dogmatic.
And even if we want to debate on whether a sea sponge is sentient, there is absolutely no debate on most animals we currently kill for food or exploit for entertainment. They are clearly sentient.
They are not even trying to overturn the decision. The far right has consistently walked back on every social mesure they had in the past 2 weeks to the surprise of noone who knows what right means.