This is a “should happen” list not a “will happen” or “could happen” list. No delusions here, just felt good to say it out loud, given today’s news. I’d also take that unicorn. My kids would go bananas.
This is a “should happen” list not a “will happen” or “could happen” list. No delusions here, just felt good to say it out loud, given today’s news. I’d also take that unicorn. My kids would go bananas.
The thing is that they would just not dissolve and say he has no power to do so. Biden is immune from prosecution for this, but he doesn’t have power to dissolve congress and would ignore him.
What he could do is say that congress (or Trump or SCOTUS for that matter) are a threat to the nation and then have them assassinated or imprisoned. Based on this ruling, he’d be immune from prosecution for this act and would effectively dissolve them by force.
The fact that it almost incentives the president to take the most extreme and authoritarian action is the scariest part of this ruling to me.
Articles of impeachment is fine as this process stinks and I think this court failed, but we really, long-term, we need a constitutional amendment to make it clear that this is not okay.
I love the constitution, wonderful framework, but it needs the following amendments:
Anti-corruption measures on the judiciary (looking at you Thomas). Provide some teeth to enforce recusal and avoid conflicts of interest.
Term limits for justices and age limits on all elected/appointed officials at the highest level (justices, pres/VP, congress). Tie those to either the retirement age or a percentage of life expectancy (as we get older as a society, and work into our later years, federal officials should be able to remain longer too).
Divestment requirements for all federal elected and appointed officials. i.e. no more insider trading, sorry.
Replace the electoral college with a popular vote.
Replace the filibuster with nothing. Fuck that thing. Let the legislators legislate. If, whatever it is, is a bad idea, it’ll be shown to be a bad idea and the next congress will fix it. This is especially important now that Chevron is no more. The court just replaced rules created by executive offices with the most dysfunctional branch of government (congress) without any prospect of undysfuctionalizing themselves.
Congress shouldn’t be allowed to block supreme court justices without a vote. Once they are announced, they have X days to approve/deny or they are auto-approved.
(edit) I can’t believe this has to be done, but the President is not above the law. The president must follow the law while in office, following “official acts” or not. This is a fucking democracy, not a dictatorship.
While I know there are other ways to approach a lot of these and those ways are easier is not the point of my post. These are things that the constitution is currently WRONG about and it should just be fixed.
This is not really that surprising. Trump’s line is that Biden “stole” the 2020 election. People who believe the big lie actually think that Biden circumvented democracy. There’s no clear thing to fix this, that I can think of.
The only good thing with this in my mind is that, in their minds, they think they’re protecting democracy by voting for Trump, which means, if you take away the lies and fraud, the norms/belief/expectations of democracy including peaceful of transfer of power and regular elections are still expected to happen. Once the liars stop lying to them, our democracy should kind of self correct. The downside is they’re too far invested in Trump to recognize that democracy might be taken from them by a dictator and they’ll believe they still have power.
Our best hope is that, once Trump dies or is out of the picture, no one else can capture their imagination the way he has and he was a one-off. However it’s a big country and I think Trump might be just a blueprint for someone with higher aspirations than just narcissistic personal benefit.
Linux supports network accounts of all kinds.
They even have a guide for that! https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/linux/install
Yep, that’s about it. Comparison holds water. I have a very, very similar feeling about both.
So emojis like this are the internet equivalent of the cockney rhyming slang, innit? I immediately translated that, but someone, in one hundred years with no knowledge of 2020s meme culture will think it’s complete gibberish.
I thought the Mandalorian was anything but subtle about it’s western roots, not that I minded. It had pretty much every western trope you could think of. Showdowns, savior of the town, making peace with the natives, town needs a sheriff, cowboy father figure…the list goes on.
Did you also dislike the Mandalorian’s spaghetti western-ness too? This is how these things go. Just embrace the fact that this series is going to be an ode to kung fu movies.
Looks a lot like Immersed’s Visor glasses. Not sure which one is more likely to actually be released and actually meet expectations.
While wildly optimistic, but that’d be okay by me.
More likely in my mind is that we see a bit of a resurgence in theist structures based in apocalyptic messaging after this downswing as climate change comes along and starts messing with people’s lives in a negative way. People will be desperate to attribute some meaning to why their community has no water and wildfires burned their house down.
I’d be surprised if they didn’t.
I thought this was Mario in the thumbnail, lol.
Our flag should just be the back on both sides.
And it should be a platypus instead of a beaver.
It’s not even for during game time, it’s during warmups. It affects nothing allowing whatever tape (or jerseys) they want.
This is the way. We should have servers that are community only and user only, imho.