Acadêmico de Medicina Veterinária 🇧🇷 | Capinzal - SC 🐧 Crente no desktop #Linux e software livre 🏳️🌈 Levanta Gay Bora Trabalhar
That’s fair, but measuring the diameter of pizzas isn’t really something I do tbh and I don’t know the US equivalent of what we call “family sized” around here
Wow that is outrageous. I paid the Brazilian equivalent for that amount yesterday on a 16 slice pizza with four different flavors and a white chocolate border + an 8 slice small sweet one from a local shop with delivery services and all.
No wonder these companies don’t see the financial benefit for bringing their operations to the country…
Big tech can cheat the system by paying their taxes on countries in which they are lower, but when you try to do the same:
how is it that this circle is warped in the bottom right
Probably the reason why they changed that original headline, but it’s hilarious regardless