Crackers out of Afrika 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿
Crackers out of Afrika 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿
You can’t really build a multipolar world and also ignore things like active genocides or an enemy that clearly wants your downfall and will do everything in their power to do so, even against its own self interests.
Not surprised but considering there is no reason for them to block this, they’ve pretty much shot themselves in the foot isolating themselves from the rest of the world.
The US deserves to be destroyed.
China doesn’t even recognize Crimea as part of Russia.
Damn man those are your homies smh.
Just do the same thing if it’s working? LMAO
Finally someone willing to do something. I know Iran just cooked them but this is what really needed to happen.
Lol git gud
Lmaooo talk about hitting them where it hurts
“Can you let my friend punch you in the face so he can feel better about himself after you acted in self defense”
As if Republicans wouldn’t want that too lol they looooove war
Unlike libs, I think this is where we can say both sides bad
Israel is lucky Iran didn’t go harder, and honestly they actually have casus belli considering attacking an embassy is an act of war, so this is supreme levels of bullshit, guess no one is allowed to defend themselves either?
Lmao. These people always allow their racism to blind their decisions but their greed always brings them back
Lol you think they’re using their full military force??? 😂
Lol life comes at you fast. 😭
They cry and complain and pull others down but won’t ever improve themselves.
No no no it’s Europe that’s the fascist, little one. Next time you’ll get it. It’s okay!
With what ammo?? Y’all done used it all in Ukraine 😂
How is this not an act of war? Fucking hell. Israel literally just gets to do whatever the fuck they want