Bone hurting juice
You also wouldn’t be able to vote or even get a job with the likes of Costco or even Sam’s club. But hey, that presidential role is a go.
See “Idk about pwaject 2025 👉👈” To “PROJECT 2025 BITCHES LETS GO!”
My brothers and I would use these cds as throwing stars. Then we found out they explode if you throw em at a concrete wall. I’m sorry for all the microplastic pollution 😭
Just imagine the sound of that thing slapping your moms ham like a pinwheel kite
I experienced phantom ankle sprains just looking at this picture. That last half-step physically hurt me.
I had no idea about this.
Thanks for the information!
I’m sorry about your loss ❤️
What a freaking CHAD. 😩
I used to use tumblr for porn, then it went to twitter and telegram, after X took over I stopped using twitter.
All of that to say that every so often I’ll hop on my scarcely used smut account and within three scrolls of the home feed I saw some of the worst in humanity, the content would have been bad enough on its own, but my god, the comments…
I knew exactly who you were linking to before I clicked, mans like the new Rick roll fr.
Troglodytes you say? Hmm… sounds like a case for TROGDOOOOOOORRRR!!!
Really…? No one has mentioned that he has taken the glasses off himself to put on the fish. That’s some BIG IQ business right there.
Good to see ol big ed is doing well for himself.
First of all, tacos are friends, not food…
Secondly, I think it’s more important what they did to achieve this goal, locking down the API behind a paywall was their way of creating value in their data. They knew then that it would be too expensive for independent developers to pay for but didn’t care. They knew the money would be coming AI data brokers.