Hmmm, not only a government-controlled TikTok, but a TRUMP/MUSK government-controlled TikTok. I see no red flags…
Hmmm, not only a government-controlled TikTok, but a TRUMP/MUSK government-controlled TikTok. I see no red flags…
If it’s free, then it’s 100% a security risk. If it’s from a reputable company like Nord VPN or Windscribe, you will be fine.
Yup. It was used to transfer photos from a camera to a phone back in the day when cameras didn’t have wireless transfer features.
Zoey is a beautiful Turkish angora!
It’s hard to tell the difference sometimes
Taylor Swift. She started out as a country singer, completely changed her genre, and became a pop sensation.
Edit: Nevermind, her first album was in 2005 I think.
This or Elon Musk, I won’t be surprised.
Edit: or Putin
Yeah, that’s not really LA. Optimally, the train should go to Union Station. Seems to make the most sense to end there.
I think you’re misunderstanding. Yes, it cannot fit in when it’s angled properly to fit into the hole. However, if you angle the plate 45 degrees and lift one end of the plate, it will fall into the diagonally. That’s why manholes are round shaped. There is no angle for a round cover to fall into the hole itself.
You’re right. OP called it a manhole, so I assumed. But looking at the size compared to the foot, it’s too small to be a manhole cover.
There’s a risk that if you try to turn the square cover that the cover will fall into the hole. It’s really strange that it’s square and not round.
Is no one else going to talk about how weird it is to see a square manhole cover? Now there’s a risk of dropping the cover down the hole due to the shape.
I’m usually against frivolous cases like this over nothing, but if he actually did measure that it’s impossible to hold 24 oz in a cup labeled that way, then he does have a good case. I think the case would be more on the supplier that provides the cups to Cinemark though, and less on the theater that’s taking the word of the supplier.
Okay DeSantis, what about making it a requirement to learn about the history and dangers of facism too?
It’s so beautiful!
Edit: I wanted to add that now I know what kind of cat I have because of this post!
Well, the Bible does depict acts of sodomy, so it definitely qualifies as a violation.
So you’re saying they just need to find 12 people who aren’t smart enough to get out of jury selection.
Wait, is Fox News and Newsmax trying to portray Neo-Nazis as innocent victims?
Pretty sure Brian Driscoll is going to be terminated within a week after what he did.