I started out with technology in the early 90’s and never stopped. Now starting to get back to my roots.
In the meantime I have owned an IT business, served in the military, wrote a book and a bunch of other stuff.
I try to keep people up on things on my website.
Biden would have been better off skipping all the events and say he can’t validate Trump’s candidacy with a debate. He’s a felon and being tried for crimes unbecoming a president. But now it’s all blown up in his face.
I really don’t think the debate changed any minds, but it did energize one side and depress the other. I doubt that energy can be sustained, attention span is very fleeting.
RIP bee.
An even better reason than claiming drought:
‘The additional revenue will be used to “cover the costs of importing and treating water, as well as finance climate change adaptations to infrastructure and make up for declines in revenue due to widespread conservation efforts,” according to the Times.’
Yes… All that conservation we did (if you did of course), earned us more expensive water.
A rate hike is coming despite the good news.
Mod on lemmy, mod on reddit…
Yellowjackets - I hate mosquitoes but they just trying to live. Yellowjackets are assholes.
“…crisis he can look better at dealing with.” I swear I didn’t have a stroke just now.
Pretty sure Netanyahu wants Trump re-elected so he’s going to make Biden’s life as difficult as possible. I think Biden loses favor no matter what he does when it comes to Gaza, unless there’s another crisis he can better at good dealing with.
Stay down Meta, stay down.
Will wonders never cease.
The comments show appreciation from another “legend”, which makes this so much sweeter.
What’s the worst that can happen? She’s wrong and she’s looking for a new job January 20th. May as well go out bold.
I’m studying for my Network+ (should have had it a long time ago), and watching a #youtube live stream with a study group. Very laggy and buffering events, even when turning my resolution down to 360p.
I suspected I was being throttled because I was using #Firefox and uBlock.
I opened up #Chrome (no #adblock is added), and watched the same stream. No glitches at all.
Not surprised but quite annoying of course.
I’m going to try a useragent addon and see if it helps.
I’m guessing he will live until about 6 weeks after losing the election, then have an accident with a 5 story window. Given how long Prigozhin lasted. .
I find that one of the drawbacks to this federated landscape is knowing when to make a new account and where. There. Are. So. Many. Options.
If Lemmy and AP are so limiting why not be part of its development and growth? Development doesn’t seem to happen fast on these platforms, and for good reason. “Move fast and break stuff” is a terrible mantra in my opinion, and I’m glad for things moving more slowly.
In either case I have enjoyed the discussions over there and it would be a shame to see it defederate. Best of luck to you and the team either way.
At this point saying there’s worse violence somewhere else seems like a challenge…
I notice the 55 and older menu. Save some money!