I don’t think BMW have a turn signal
I don’t think BMW have a turn signal
I don’t think you can finish dwarf fortress
/s missing
depends if you are on the sudo’s list :)
That is extra kinky it will be 150 dollars
it’s Microsoft so probably not unless corporate account. You know the other solution.
Up to taste
you mean virgin olive oil instead of motor oil?
applesauce instead of engine oil will be fun
Which doesn’t exist, not yet, what we called an AI is a not an actual AI.
I assume you mean AI that can think under quotes.
Still it’s the same a LLM that is text prediction, just GPT model is just bigger and more sophisticated of course.
What you mean by AI in this case? LLM I thought it was a generic term. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Large_language_model
NSFW material that will not get you into trouble with HR
damnit it found the wormhole in the storage room
I would say that a missing door handle in an emergency is also an issue if you need to exit the vehicle suddenly and car electronics are gone…
You would think that a door mechanism that can be overidden from the inside would be a minimum requirement on a car. But on a Tesla it’s not.
Anyone understands why they insist on doing this? Is it to save money on the override mechanism?
I was watching this morning’s WAN podcast (linustechtips) and they had an interview with Jim Keller talking mostly about AI.
The portions about AI felt like he was living in an alternate universe, predicting AI will be used literally everywhere.
My bullshit-o-meter hit the stars but comments on the video seem positive 🤔
That is an assumption that a physicist would do.