My body is ready!
My body is ready!
The meme is a lie. Screenshot of the old woman comes from a Jimmy Kimmel live segment where they asked how to get men into bed. No housing prices were asked.
It’s a bit misleading and the tests were performed in 2019 to a disputed shawl owned by the suspect. This wouldn’t hold up in modern court let alone Victorian age court.
Daredevil is my favorite. Most of the iconic writers we know today like Miller, Waid, Brubaker, Bendis, and Zdarsky had their fun with the character on their own runs and it definitely shows.
This is gorgeous
Man, PG was real different from the PG we have today
That’s a painting
Ah gotcha. My mistake!
There’s an extension called SponsorBlock that automatically skips past that if you want
Had a random decade old account I forgot about until they emailed me the new terms of use agreement which thankfully reminded me to delete my account.