He’s Biblically accuracymaxxing.
He’s Biblically accuracymaxxing.
I’m not aware of any other species sexually selecting for mammary size. Some birds do a puffy chest thing.
It might be a learned association rather than anything instinctive about tiddies. There’s this one study where they gave rats a backpack fetish, but it has a sad ending because then they murdered all the rats. They did phrase the murder like they were doing a Satanic ritual though, and that kind of took some of the murdery edge off it for me.
I’ve been looking forward to like 20 years from now when all the incels will be into girls with too many fingers.
Maybe he should get Mexico to pay for it.
At least half the population buys into the “fake news” shit about how Trump never did anything wrong and all of this is somehow making more jobs for Americans. I’m not kidding. I have this argument too often. I don’t know what to do about it. It’s so frustrating and depressing.
“devs too focused on making a game pretty instead of fun” is talking about making the art photorealistic with fancy hair engines and such, when doing so doesn’t add meaningfully to the experience and only serves to needlessly complicate development and inflate the cost.
We can tell that making all these 3D models and animations is a problem for the devs because they’ve said so repeatedly. They’ve even said they can’t have every Pokemon in the same game as a result. Instead of the lovely pixel art of FRLG we have a mish-mash of dead-eyed, poorly-animated cartoons with PSP-quality “realistic” terrain that grate against each other. And for what? Why do 3D when you can only do 3D so poorly?
I think we’re taking about the same thing, actually. When the maps were small 2D areas that connected at set points, I was able to learn them well without any special effort. With experience one could bypass the paintball system by having learned a monster’s likely behaviors, which was extremely satisfying.
Now we have the auto-tracking features which render navigation mindless, along with maps existing in 3D and on much larger scales and interconnecting in more complex ways. When I’ve attempted to ignore the navigation system and do things manually I find it very difficult, which I have to assume is why they added the navigation in the first place.
My memory isn’t as clear as I’d like for this kind of discussion, but I remember something like a single button being both start climbing and also jump off the thing you’re climbing or something like that? And then if I wanted to jump off a cliff it was a different button from what I’d been lead to expect in other contexts? So I’d just constantly be accidentally using the wrong inputs because they were too context-reliant, and it made it extra difficult to navigate and gather. The controls used to be a lot simpler, and we didn’t have any of this hookshotting around with bugs or super dogs. Saying the controls used to be simpler and 100% meaning it is hilarious coming from someone who played on PSP. How did you make me prefer the claw, Capcom? Maybe I was just used to the old way and can’t adapt; I just remember things being more straight-forward in terms of actual gameplay.
I could also really do without action games bogging themselves down with lengthy dialogs and cutscenes. If I wanted to watch a movie or read a book or play an RPG I would just do those things. I don’t need an epic lore motivation for stabbing dinosaurs. This series barely had dialog when it started out, and the voice lines were delightfully world-buildy and flavorful by not being any real-world language. Less was more in terms of immersion.
I don’t really like the more recent entries in the series anyway, honestly. Like so many modern games, I feel like it’s become over-complicated with systems and cutscenes, and I miss when it was just you and a sharp object vs a dinosaur. If you want to check it out, get a PSP or emulator. I wish I could remember which specific titles to recommend.
e: Freedom Unite, I think.
I know there are more, but I just watched a bunch of clown fish grab what appeared to be a coconut shell from rather far away and bring it to their anemone to lay eggs all over it, because I guess they need a hard surface. I was pretty impressed with how they were tossing it, and so cooperative, too.
I feel like I hear about Chicago a lot in terms of LGBT rights, like it’s one of those oases of human decency you can find in the US. A brief Google seems to indicate they have a quality school meal system as well.
Do you have any fun mnemonics for remembering your SSN? :D
I cannot recommend that film enough to anyone who’s a fan of horror movies which are more than just a fun spoop.
I’m told humans taste like pork.
I don’t understand your stance. Being vegan is more ethical, but eating meat is necessary? Surely if meat is necessary then an omnivorous diet is most ethical?
Powders can be good, but they can also be garbage. It depends on the brand. But with whole foods like legumes or animal meats, you can be sure you’re getting quality protein.
How often do Tigers even run into another tiger?
All the time. While tigers lead solitary lifestyles, they’re not devoid of socialization. Territories overlap and lead to peaceful interactions and conflicts over borders. Sometimes they even cooperate in hunting or live together, though that’s less frequent. The nature of their interactions is mostly dictated by sexual relations and the ratio of tigers to prey.
This is not meant to contribute to the tiger vs lion issue.
I also think it’s interesting to note that while the mane serves a practical purpose, it’s also wildly oversized as a result of sexual selection.
The documentary style quickly takes a back seat, but the interviews are always there and heavily used. Try Modern Family first and see of the Office doesn’t hit better once you’re used to the interviews there. They’re brief fourth-wall breaks and not diagetic.
e: I would say if you’re not having an absolute blast by the Dundees episode (I think that S2E1?), don’t waste any more of your time.
I didn’t get that far into the show because I was bored and lost in the space battles. Action scenes are always shakey cameras and me being confused about who’s on what ship. I was extremely interested in the human dramas, politics, and especially the mystery of the fungal thing. The acting and dialects were really cool though, and I’d probably miss out on those unless the author does a good job writing them. Does it seem like I’d prefer reading it instead? I kind of feel like I just talked myself into trying the show again. :s
But “their” is singular all the time.