I think you can still get a non-DL state issued ID card that would work for getting a passport with your DL suspended, but also, just pay the child support
I think you can still get a non-DL state issued ID card that would work for getting a passport with your DL suspended, but also, just pay the child support
I hate how people mix up correlation and causation with JC Penney and it’s couponless trial. The company was ALREADY very much on a fast track to bankruptcy when it decided to try removing coupons - that’s why they tried it. It didn’t make enough of a difference to pull them out of the nosedive they were in.
It’s not that not doing coupons doesn’t work, it just didn’t save a failing business.
Arch-user in the image said they were a “completely cis dude” and would hit that button, then replied to themselves (~1 day later) calling herself “she” - implying they became(?) trans within that time period. The final response is from another person, incredulous at the short timeline between “completely cis” and trans
This has been the case since SATA revision 3.3, released Feb 2016. So while I may have exaggerated with “ancient”, a brand new PSU certainly shouldn’t still be feeding 3.3v to that pin.
I have done this with dozens of drives and have never had to do any pin blocking. You only need to do that if you’re using an absolutely ancient sata power cable that doesn’t know about the spinup pin change
It certainly is. ISO 27001 is a framework, not very prescriptive at all. Basically an auditor will ask “how do you ensure data isn’t leaving your facility in the form of discarded hardware?” If you say “here’s a link to our media destruction policy. It says all drives are wiped according to NIST 800-88 cryptographic erasure. If that is not possible or not applicable, the drive is destroyed. Here’s our log of decomissioned equipment” chances are very good they’ll say “OK great let’s move on to the next one” with only minor followup questions.
More unconstitutional garbage
There are many win conditions in Civ, so it having “killing everyone else is winning” as a political statement would be a very weak argument imho
Carrying a definite political message is not the same as being a relatively message less environment that has politics as a mechanic.
“Political” games as mentioned by OP carry a message - e.g. who the “good guys” are (the rebels in Star wars are considered the good guys, and authoritarianism is shown as bad). In Civilization games, does it have a storyline that has an equivalent political statement? Or does it serve to let you make whatever statement you want as a sort of sandbox?
I honestly don’t know the story of Civ, but hopefully that demonstrates the difference between something that could be “Politics: the game” (a “politics simulator”) and something that carries a political statement
He already said it once
It is racist for that to happen either direction.
How much do those numbers change when you add the weight of at least one person with everything they own to it? Probably a lot more substantially for the smart car (though it still wouldn’t surprise me that much. People were driving some much heavier and lower powered cars thru the mountains in years past)
Op said they tried without the firewall connected and had the same results
Thinking eve is just short for evening is so wild to me. Is “Doll” short for dollar? Is “her” short for Hershey’s kisses? Come tf on
Yeah I just didn’t have it in me and meant to go back for it lol.
Sure but what’s the actual action there? Implementation of a wealth tax? What property counts for that? Is there some other technique he/you are talking about? Taking a loan will now count as income?
That’s exactly my point. There are people working hard to make these things happen and generally these are very well supported by the public, but without the plan behind them, theres no substance here.
The reason these don’t get passed is because of the particulars of implementation. you can’t write a bill with the only text being “universal healthcare” without a lot more to it. Once there’s a lot more to it, then it gets picked apart and rejected.
OSHA is workplaces. Building code is relatively unrelated
So instead of banning tipping you mean removing minimum wage exceptions for tipping.
Fwiw a lot of restaurants worldwide are starting to include an obnoxious 12+% “service charge” that can be “removed” if you have a complaint. Basically, enforced tipping that wouldn’t be changed by your “ban tipping” plan.
I definitely agree hard with more emphasis on removal of after-the-listed-price fees
That’s assuming you’ve got the emissivity set correctly, too. Can make a huge difference