Relative to how old Trump is, it’s pretty close
Relative to how old Trump is, it’s pretty close
they said, ‘Can you imagine? I’m [you’re] not going to be president [for the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics]. And that’s too bad.’ And what happened is, they rigged the election [in 2020], and I became president [again in 2024]
Absolutely referring to 2020 here. No doubt whatsoever.
(To be clear, claims of 2020 fraud are bullshit… But so are claims of 2024 fraud)
You’re free to do your own research
And now you’re taking a page from the anti-vax movement. No. I don’t prove your points, you do that yourself. Should be pretty easy if it’s so clearly happening.
Give some semblance of proof or you’re no better than the election deniers from 4 years ago. Hell, without even a theory you’re even worse.
Even if it is his birth name… If it were my birth name, I’d use a nickname
It’s not that I’m surprised, but mainly saying that this isn’t the feel-good story of bipartisanship taking down a bad idea that the headline leads you to think. There’s still a significant (if not majority) in favor of this
I am glad they failed, but Jesus Christ. There were still 27 elected officials, about a quarter of that legislative body, who thought children should be separated from their parents because they’re transgender. What the fuck?
Colorado here. Offspring spawned a few years ago. We had a social security number before Mom was discharged. Offspring was born super early, and her low birth weight entitled her to receive social security benefits while in NICU. While that amount was super low, it also made her qualify automatically for Medicaid, which was awesome because they paid her deductible from my work’s insurance.
They also submitted information for the birth certificate to what used to be tri-county health department (which has since been split up) but we had to go to their office to pick it up.
Triangulation of what, exactly? GPS already triangulates your position based on what it receives from multiple satellites, yeah?
Let me tell you all how surprised I am.
Ok, I’m done.
A job? As in, any job at all? Sooooo, what do we do with these people with no bootstraps to pull?
He wants to get rid of the Department of Education anyway, so what is there to lose?
If it makes you feel any better, I thought the same until I read your comment
A cynic might. Someone who actually thinks things through might not.
I mean, you’re not wrong, but it’s also a legal term. If you pay someone money for something, they can always pay you back. That’s not an irreparable harm.
If (for example) you wanted to say something about someone but you have an NDA that’s in dispute, you could be prevented from saying anything until that’s settled because you can’t un-say something the same way
But only worked for space force for 2 people
If you need that level of easily implied detail spelled out in a freaking tweet, you have my sympathies
You listening, Grassley?
He’s gotten away with a lot and supposedly has a lot of money, but to be honest I really don’t envy him. He seems miserable inside.
I mean, that’s step 1? It’s not like they can do an instantaneous cutover, they’ll need to figure out what’s vital enough to deserve buttons, come up with a design/layout for that, find a supplier for them, get them in, start assembling the cars with them… Honestly they’ve probably already done a lot of that behind the scenes already before saying anything publicly. Point is, it’s not like there’s a button in the factory to start making cars with buttons instead.