Have they tried ivermectin? It cures everything.
Have they tried ivermectin? It cures everything.
I don’t hate you and I can think of perhaps 2 people I’ve ever known that I have hated. You hate someone who irritates you with a few comments on social media.
I pity you.
I used to work for a Fortune 500 tech company that dealt with thousands of other businesses. Someone on the executive team decided that everyone in the company should be actively pushing our products every time they had customer contact. Customer calls about a bill? Sell them something. They have a major problem and are angry about it? Sell them something. Need to use their bathroom? Sell them something.
It just irritated our customers and didn’t result in any more sales. It seems that executive got a job at Microsoft.
You really believe a single Google search is work? Have you ever had to do real work?
I have no problem providing a source for esoteric, difficult to find information, but when someone so is so ridiculously entitled they’re literally too lazy to type into Google the precise same thing they’re typing into a comment field they can whine until they’re blue in the face before I’ll do it for them. Users like you can also whine about it as much as pleases you and if you don’t like it you should complain to the manager.
Here at Lemmy we’re trying, blah, blah blah.
You joined 4 months ago and think you now speak for all of Lemmy? What an ego you have!
I’m sad for you that you waste your time and energy hating Americans. Do you think you’re being edgy? Maybe you need a hobby,.
2-4 citations are required for the simplest college essay and you’ve provide only one. You should look that up, but that would mean the onus of finding the citation for citations would be on you.
It’s sad that I must point this out, but this is a comment section, not a reference article or college essay. Footnotes and references are not required or expected here and every user on this site knows how to use Google.
No argument about anything, nor will I provide you sources that show thunder isn’t caused by Thor’s hammer, the moon causes tides, or that Ivermectin doesn’t cure Covid,
Microsoft’s use of a keylogger started with a Windows 7 update and has been well documented for almost a decade. It’s not my problem you’re uninformed. If you want to waste your time and energy complaining that a random Internet stranger refuses to spoon-feed you simple search results, that’s entirely up to you.
My friend got a call from “Best Buy” technical support saying they’d noticed her computer was slow and followed their instructions to set up remote access. Unfortunately she didn’t realize that there was anything to be worried about. It wasn’t until months later when she left the computer on and unattended that the scammers took control. Fidelity wired the money out of her account before she saw the notification and Fidelity has been jerking her around ever since. She’s still badly shaken.
I’d put her on Mint, but as much as I enjoy her company I don’t want to be permanent tech support for her computer.
Anyone who’s so lazy they literally refuse to type the same words used in their comment into a search engine doesn’t deserve to be taken seriously. There are lots of adults on Lemmy, but apparently we have a few children too.
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Have you tried a Google search?
I just reinstalled and configured Windows for a friend who’s machine was hacked, so my frustration with Microsoft is very fresh. (She lost 8 thousand dollars of her savings she’s still trying to get back.) After years of using Linux I feel like I’m being punished every time I help someone with their Windows machine.
These things in particular drive me nuts:
I’ve tried it and it was at the low end of mediocre. Wouldn’t buy it again.
A few years ago a right-wing friend was loudly advocating for elimination of child labor laws because “all kids are doing these days is playing video games.” (He’d be maga now.) When I pointed out that would mean children being forced into hazardous jobs - working with restaurant knives and machines or in industrial settings he responded, “That would never be a problem. Insurance companies would never allow it.”
About 25% of the nation would have no problem with kids being forced to work in dangerous conditions and being maimed for life as a result. Just as long it was someone else’s kid.
When you’re dealing with a malignant narcissist there is no relationship, there’s just another vile asshole telling you how it is going to be. The felon made it clear that there was to be no negotiating and Zelenskiy could kiss his feet and smile while being abused.
A couple of years ago when talking about the amount of crime in many areas of Mexico, a Mexican citizen said to me, “I weep for my country.” As a U.S. citizen watching this vile, disgusting man in the White House, I weep for mine.
Strangely the life expectancy Yuma, Arizona is the 6th highest in the country. Yuma’s hotter than Phoenix. Perhaps no one there goes outside during the day in the summer.
Even more infuriating, Amazon charges the same price for ad-free premium channels as stand-alone subscriptions. They then insert ads into that 3rd party content if you haven’t paid Amazon’s additional fee to remove ads from Amazon’s content. I’ll never again subscribe to anything through Amazon.
As others have mentioned, Kristi Noem and her glorious leader lie almost every time their lips part. Anyone who believes her about this is a fool.
And they’re still getting mileage because the “Liberal Media” consistently spreads conservative lies.
A majority maybe, but not enough of that majority cared enough to vote. Even with the massive GOP voter suppression, if those who could vote actually did so, Harris would be POTUS. Guess it’s not a big deal that Trump’s a Russian asset, is actively seeking revenge on anyone who looks at him sideways, and is such a malignant narcissist that he’ll destroy lives and the country without a 2nd thought.
Coming up: It would be better if ‘Everybody got Polio’.
Next week Trump will be at the White House promoting the new Telsa Iron Lung.