Dutchie here: tobasco style hot sauce.
Dutchie here: tobasco style hot sauce.
You may have got me there. It was overhyped. So. Much. Merchandise. It drew people to the cinemas too, at least where I live. I do not remember whether it was actually praised though.
BTW: I hated the sound track. Anything with Puff Daddy or whatever he tries to call himself nowadays should not exist. Most lazy music ever.
The God Machine. They were a shoegaze band from the early 90s. Sadly, one of the three members died, so they never got big.
Godzilla. The 1998-ish version.
Football (soccer for Muricans), both as a participant and as a spectator.
As a motorcyclist, that’s a definite yes. On long trips, it is the wind around the helmet that is one of the most tiring things. Custom plugs allow the rider to hear traffic while being shielded for wind noises.
A good friend of mine has concert plugs and he swears by them, but that has been said earlier in this thread.
Rami Malek comes to mind. If I am not mistaken, he is Egyptian, so not your typical Hollywood white mail.
Phil Collins’s solo work is mind-numbingly, eye-bleedingly, toe-curlingly boring and awful.
YES! He’s a massive idiot too.
I upvoted you, but you are not entirely right in my opinion.
Not all classical music is created equal. I am quite convinced that if J.S. Bach had lived today, he would make music like Squarepusher. However, somebody like Gustav Holst would probably be in some kind of doom metal or progressive metal.
It somewhat sounds like ‘Ace of Spades’. I am a bit old school. If I hear the name Lemmy, I am reminded of Motorhead.
Having lived in both, I prefer the big city. Aside from numerous reasons already mentioned in this thread, I notice that big city people are more open-minded and more diverse. Being slightly different for whatever reason is more of an issue in a small community.
+1. I am an avid runner and on running days, I wear briefs. On rest days, I prefer shorts.
That sucks. Back here, the company that maintains the electrical grid actively stimulates the people to use such sensors. All in the name of saving energy. There’s even a page with vendors on their website.
A P1 sensor. I have recently entered the rabbit hole of home automation. One of the things I care about, is to be as private as possible, so I went for Home Assistant.
A P1 sensor is a small thingumabob that you plug into your electricity meter and it measures electricity and natural gas use. It comes with its own webserver and it integrates seamlessly into my HA energy dashboard. I did not have to subscribe to any cloud service and as far as I can tell, it does not phone home.
I have a friend who makes his own piña colada. He always makes way too much of it, so occasionally the odd bottle ends up in my liquor cabinet. I am normally not too much into sweet drinks, but I absolutely love that stuff.
Among other things, in order to compete with the populist far right, they have been actively campaigning against migrants. As ASML is entirely dependent on highly educated foreign workers, this hurts them.
Exactliy! I am more than willing to trade in my aging station wagon for a comparable EV or hybrid, but there are hardly any models available. The few ones that are, are fucking expensive.
I have bouldered for a few years and will agree with the friendly atmosphere.
Try this: slice a lemon in half. Put it in a heat-resistant bowl. Place bowl into airfryer and set at 200 Celsius for 20 minutes. It’ll probably smoke, so make sure to ventilate well.
After that, you may be able to wipe most of the grease away with a cloth.