I love you so much NullPointerException
Is it just me or is drake one of the most punchable people on earth?
This is scarily realistic tho holy shit
I’m not a math guru but there are only 4 shapes in this and there are 5 functions? You can describe a circle with a single function. Someone explain?
But why is it made exactly like a penis. Why do they like to suck on the fake penis. Lesbians are basically straight but also like titties.
I thought he did porn for a sec
Duude this is so cool. Is there a watch like this for galaxy watch?
Damn are you one of Dahmer’s victims? Cause you’re looking very delicious.
Isreal is the terrorist of the human race.
I’m really hoping google goes to shit like facebook.
I map caps lock to esc with setxkbmap. Much more fun ergonomically.
Python has one of the worst syntaxes out there