I read this post using the Alexandrite front end on my laptop browser, then I opened Voyager app on my phone and it shows the post as already having been read.
I’m just this guy, you know?
I read this post using the Alexandrite front end on my laptop browser, then I opened Voyager app on my phone and it shows the post as already having been read.
I watched that. 👆
“Friend minus Friends” as in “Garfield minus Garfield?”
Based. I’d watch one.
And we all get a share!
I don’t use my computers for modern gaming. Like OP, I prefer tabletop games, though I do speed run crossword puzzles and play some PixelDungeon on my phone when I have spare time. I also built a Retropie, and play some old Atari and PS2 roms on a bored Sunday. My stuff can run Civ IV, which is probably the last title I bought.
My main systems are for work, or for supporting self-hosted services including local infrastructure, home lab stuff, email, blogs, home automation, media servers, etc, etc. Lately I’ve been getting into SDR projects using RPi or old laptops.
So, uh… Yeah. Fun stuff, but not so much gaming.
Your alternatives aren’t shelf stable. That’s all there is to it.
Its called a benchmark, used by surveyors as a known point from which to take readings. We had a benchmark on the edge of of our property in the town where In grew up. It was a square, white marble column, like a truncated obelisk with the point cut off to make a 4" square flat top, buried at the roadside and standing a couple inches proud of the grass. It had a cross with a dot in the middle, and a geodetic ID number engraved on the top.
Nailed it with the lawnmower once or twice. That’d really put the Fear in you.
Looks like Python, but in an editor with a weird TUI scrollbar
A sandwich of a couple of frozen Entenman’s (Local brand?) Mini chocolate chip cookies with a spoonful of Ben & Jerry’s Phish Food filling.
edit: my spouse wants me to add, “and a joint.”
Oh! I thought “daylight savings” was another US-only thing like our Freedom units and our slobbering worship of guns.
It’s 18 minutes to Monday in London, as I write this
The cc: seems to be one of the developers for Obsidian?
Pretty cool, if that’s true.
Seems like Obsidian could easily address this need [on Android] by adding a widget feature. Allow the user to pin a note to the home screen like Google Keep, or tap the widget to open a lightweight markdown editor which saves to a new file in the vault.
For myself, I either jot things down in a Note to Self thread in Signal or text it to myself in Slack, but its not an intuitive workflow.
That’s almost exactly what I was looking for! I even tried searching stainless mesh on Amazon and it kept steering me to screen door meshes & chicken wire.
The new AI algorithms suuuuck.
It’s thin gruel this week, but I’ll take it.
/Bannon!? No overthrowing the country! Not during an election year. Enough of your shit, young man, you’re in tine-out. Go sit in a corner for a few minutes and think about how you can be more subtle next time.
Assume yes.
Can’t delay a trial you intend never to hear tho, right?
/case dismissed!
You get what you pay for, though. I’ve had nothing but good experiences as an Amex card holder. You need to live a lifestyle that gives you opportunities to use the system, but you can offset the cost of even the Platinum charge card if you sign up for, and then use, all the perks.
For how I use it, I’d say it pays for itself.
edit to add: their customer service is always stellar, and their disputes department are really effective.
12 doxxing secrets jurors HATE
Grok’s got some jokes.