Agreed. I should really spend a bit of reaearch time but it seems there are many drivers that do well in F3/F2 etc and then completely bomb in F1. I wounder whats the difference that results in such significant difference in performance.
Agreed. I should really spend a bit of reaearch time but it seems there are many drivers that do well in F3/F2 etc and then completely bomb in F1. I wounder whats the difference that results in such significant difference in performance.
Who knows…did Antonelli get his super licesne already? I mean… considering how things happen in F1 would not be suprised Antonelli shoows this weekend even after this announcement haha
I wounder howany races Sargent has left…his performance definelty has left much to he desired and crashes are costing Williams a lot…so if merc gives them a payment to pick Kimi they might not have a choice regardless. The probelm for Sargent is not just bad performance but also frequent crashes…
Exactly this…in new cars its not the transmission or engine failure that causes it to be junked but rather all the rubber/ plastic bits going to shit and costing an arm and a leg to replace…
Yeah feels a bit odd…we have ppl drivin with missing tires and wings that are falling apart…i think they wanted a nice dinner…
Switched to tidal as got fedup with Spotify shit app quality, constant breaking when usieng Android auto, and glitching out when playing between pc/android. Tidal is better but missing things. My wife loves alexa integration…so she sticking with Spotify. I am enjoying tidal though. It just works evey time. Its clear why it stops playinga song, and so on. I would rather miss featurs then use buggy product. Spotify is full of random featurs and crap but its buggier then ever…
One other stark difference is the qulaity of of mixes and radio stations tidal puts together…spotify plays same stuff on loop basically, i rarely got anything good thats new and not promoted artist…with tidal i get a huge mix of artists in mymixes and radios, both new and old stuff…its been better for discovery then Spotify.
I wounder how much its also experience, yuki never drove in china in f1? (Dont remember) But the experience gap probably helps Ricardo adopt…doubt its gonna save him or move him to rb though…we shall see next race but with all the rumors going around, if race goes poorly we might see lawson in next gp…
Classic merc in this reg…still no idea what they are doing with the aero of the car. Solid 7/8 place just as at start…
I dont think u can say lewis folded under pressure that car is a shitbox. Noris did get over eager and should have been conservative to have a chance later on as maclaren does have pace advantage on merc…
Its like Ferrari has a second team… Merc does not have a second team. They supply engine and bits to other teams, like Ferrari does to hass, and Alpine used to do. RB right out owns two teams.
Its failure of regulation. Same shit will happen in any system if its not properly regulated and checked…
Did he ever explain why he let George by? Besides reading that he could not turn i did not really get it… But agreed Merc performance so far was mediocre at best…wounder where they finish in wcc. Last year they were solid 2/3 but atm they feel closer to 4/5…
Another issue is many ppl are just not technically apt or are able to problem solve, so many times they dont know what key words to use for finding a repair guide on google… It almost like a mental block for many…
I really wounder how much edge they had pre 2022 simply due to engine power that let them overcome inefficient aero. RB had shat engines for a long time and invested a ton into aero it seems and now with reliable pu its really paying of for them…for merc though it looks like current pu has same power or maybe less then others and their aero understanding is sub par, even when compared to customer teams.
So much hope for that…might make next season super fun assuming he performs as well in rb as in ferarri…next year might be super fun to watch even if rb keeps dominating. Seeing how lewis does in a Ferrari will be fun…and how he manages fights with lacrec, hopefully sainz to rb and he brings a good fight to front. See if merc finally figures things out or keep trying for next upgradeTM.
I am woundering when russia decides to use tactical nukes in Ukraine. - the way they are gonnna spin the last terrorist attack( assuming its not an inside job…prob is.) sure does not give me warm fuzzy feelings about their desparation…
Because many ppl that earn that kind of cash live in high col area…where ur expenses eat up everything unless u are dual income. In bay area u pay 3k a month for an apartment…and food/gas bills easely add up to 2k…its rough…
I was expecting this of Ferrari, but maybe they are gonna swap now… Lol
Err. wont matter…he will still keep defending same manner…either crash or dont pass him…and 100% max would not get a penalty if he kept the lead…stewards never want to penalize him for shit moves…well they never like penalizing lead drivers for a shitty move unless they stop being lead or it does not matter any more. And Max abuses that to the Max…stewards need to be as agressive with penalties to lead drivers/top teams as they are to back of the grid… How many times have we seen penalties for back of grid for same moves the front makes without a penalty…2021 was absurd…