Calling it now, warding runes on internals organs will be the next wellness fad
Calling it now, warding runes on internals organs will be the next wellness fad
Sssssshhh, there there, it’s ok. They’re feature phones
Don’t know if the panelist that kept saying ‘pussy’ was deliberately baiting her into revealing her hypocrisy, but if they were then fucking bravo.
Woof, thought I was having déjà vu for a minute. Nope, just republicans being republicans, yet again.
Quoth Wikipedia, “Even when at peak magnitude of 2.5, this recurrent nova is dimmer than about 120 stars in the night sky.”
The fact that “recurrent nova” is a thing caught me by surprise though, Reminded me of the on/off star from A Deepness in The Sky
Someone tell the Quebec nationalists, maybe then we can concentrate on more important things than english-only trash cans
Didn’t know about this. How long are we talking, minutes, hours?
Alpha Centauri baby! Still one of my favourite games, I wonder if it still works
Reminds me of this dialogue from Ghost World
Enid : You know, we need to find a place where you can go to meet women who share your interests.
Seymour : Well maybe I don’t want to meet someone who shares my interests. I hate my interests.
Yeah, that’s fair. Still curved though. In my defense I had it right in my brain, the idea got garbled on its way to the keyboard
Aaaaactchhhually a frozen lake would follow the local curvature of the earth, even assuming ideal conditions and crystal formation and so on
.tar.bz2 for me please
What happens on March 26th if there’s still no payment or bond?
Canada here, how much for just Stowe?
If there was any remaining doubt as to whether the blue checkmark meant anything at all…
Just to clarify: is it your belief that the editorial position of the cartoonist is that they approve of prioritizing motor traffic above everything else?
I have it on good authority that the Wellerman will handle this issue, along with any concerns with tea and sugar supply
Not by the time it exits your body, no. Urine is sterile when it leaves the bladder, but it picks up bacteria on its way through the urethra