Does anyone know of a list of TLDs that don’t allow reselling? I’d prefer to buy/lease one of those and let domain sharks play their own games.
I use gitit and it’s already packaged in most Linux distros.
TLDR; Sorta federation. It is possible to selfhost data.
You should submit a bug report to your distro. If the window in focus doesn’t grab the pointer, that should be a bug.
Come to the dark side, Sarah. We have cookies.
– Linus Thorvalds1
I’m curious. Is the battery in the Pinephone of lesser capacity or is the system not optimised for longevity?
Yeah, that container probably crashed because of atmospheric disturbance.
I use Devuan and it’s just Debian without systemd.
Okay, but that would have made a shitty joke wouldn’t it?
Hmm… I don’t know maybe it’s fine as a joke.
Gothub is looking for a new maintainer.
Fontunately it’s just DNS.
Loop up the domains at one of:
An AppImage can be sandboxed.
Unless someone has registered the trademark for those specific purposes you’re clear. A trademarks is only valid within a specific field of purpose. Trademarks are there to avoid consumers mistaking one brand for another.
There are a lot of entertaining articles on Techdirt about companies not understanding trademark law.