Alright, thank you!
Alright, thank you!
Hey, we’re also thinking about setting up authentik. Could you answer the following, where I haven’t found answers to yet: does introducing SSO impede logging into Jellyfin on a TV / phone app at all?
At this point, package management is the main differentiating factor between distro (families). Personally, I’m vehemently opposed to erasing those differences.
The “just use flatpak!” crowd is kind of correct when we’re talking solely about Linux newcomers, but if you are at all comfortable with light troubleshooting if/when something breaks, each package manager has something unique und useful to offer. Pacman and the AUR a a good example, but personally, you can wring nixpkgs Fron my cold dead hands.
And so you will never get people to agree on one “standard” way of packaging, because doing your own thing is kind of the spirit of open source software.
But even more importantly, this should not matter to developers. It’s not really their job to package the software, for reasons including that it’s just not reasonable to expect them to cater to all package managers. Let distro maintainers take care of that.
Android without a Google account is great though
As a fellow Futo user: it’s not great out of the box. My biggest recommendations are:
Also, two super useful shortcuts: you can press the space-bar and move your finger around to move the pointer; and the same for backspace to fine-control what to delete.
Hope this helps, but if not… What additional gripes do you have with it?
Will do! Thank you!
That sounds great. I think I’ve given it more than a month overall, but probably never longer than a week at a time. Guess I’ll have to have my SO hide my normal keyboard lol
I built and configured an Arkenswoop some time in 2023. It’s really nice. However… I have gotten quite fast on a conventional keyboard just by using it over the years, and re-learning that is just so tedious. Every time I try, something with a deadline comes up, and I switch back “temporarily”.
Anyone have experience overcoming this?
I have been listening to SO many audiobooks since getting Audiobookshelve ❤️
Fair… Sorry, I always forget how prominent Apple devices are in the US.
Thunderbird for mobile is great! And in contrast to the gmail app, search actually works, lol
Now if Eelco Doolstra wasn’t fucking around, we could have had a super LTS NixOS - but NOOOO.
My exact thoughts lol
It’s actually fine though, kinda. A significant portion of that is my n(ix)vim config, and the rest are mostly modules used in 30+ desktops and server VMs. The complete config for any one of those hosts isn’t that extravagant.
Cries in 14k lines of nix config
Not really, no
DNS over TLS and similar are only encrypted to the first (local) DNS provider, and of course that provider knows the query as well.
It protects against 3rd-party eavesdroppers between you and your primary DNS provider, but does nothing for privacy beyond that.
Also getting rid of my T1 Diabetes and re-doing my transition, but yeah! Hedonism as well!
They blamed it on the communist party, yes. There were 8 parties represented in the Reichstag at the time though.
Yeah OK, that’s fair. It’s really a shame how dependent notifications are on Google. ALl the other things - Mail, Photos, Drive,… - are a lot easier to replace.