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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 27th, 2023


  • there hasn’t been a single solution for all problems since humans sort of know that solutions can exist. a bit of every step towards a better situation, and a bit more and more until it fits. i cannot say when it will fit, but destroying the future of whole generations is more like the definition of unfit than an achievement. it might be seen as glory by some confused and rich, but its filthyness in reality.

    reduce demand-producers, reduce overall irrelevant work, that is i.e. all work done solely for increasing numbers on bank accounts that don’t even change anything for that account owner any longer. we do ship things around the world that really should get processed locally. there are many things that are wrong only for keeping the pyramid schemes of the rich active.

  • most people drive daily to work and back, and way too many who could do homeoffice have to do this only because of the corporation just “wanting” it, who’s the owner of the corporation? other corporations, funds, banks, following the money, guess what you’ll find? more malicious money.

  • smb@lemmy.mltosolarpunk memes@slrpnk.netboth are good
    15 days ago

    its not the cars that are bad, its the way you are forced to do stupid earth destroying work for billionares to have higher numbers on their account. if you limit driving to what you would need without the rich ripping you off, how much would you need to drive then? would you have the time to use slower public transport?

  • the problem is, its not healthcare but wealthcare for the rich who neither need nor deserve anything at all.

    Every single layer of the system is rotten.

    looking from far away at it, the us didn’t even abandon slavery “yet” (how many decades is that now?). lies however seem to flourish exceptionally good. yes, i’ld say rotten it is. there are lots of examples.

    i think this rotting might be more present in the us but now is a worldwide problem, no matter who started it.

  • Router is my own and up to date.

    that does not say its dns settings are as you set them. if you use a default or weak password for your routers config page, an attacker could change its setting from the outside via dns rebinding, then scanning your net, finding your router, trying passwords and when succesfull changing firewall rules or change dns settings to make your programs check the attackers repository proxies instead of their vendor ones.

    dns rebind: https://www.packetlabs.net/posts/what-are-dns-rebinding-attacks/

    so better check its dns settings, that it likely is pushing to dhcp clients, too.

    Thanks to flatpak it also doesn’t have the ability to see anything else from my system. it at least seems to asks for seeing way more…

    jdownloader could theoretically also got hacked by a site you were downloading from. maybe having a complete list of what you downloaded and check those again but using source provided (and signed?) hashes could reveal something fishy.

    maybe (if thats possible there) make a memory/debug dump from the process in that condition and ask the vendor to look at it.

    maybe check your downloaders binary hashes and compare it to the vendors signed ones.

  • the jackass addition was a joke from my side as it fits the j in front and the situation presented perfectly, no matter if the original app did so or if it was hijacked somehow.

    however i used to use a separate downloader a very long time ago, when downloading i.e. an iso image for a new foss os took just too long, could be interrupted by time-togo-to-bed or anything else.

    one day i learned about another downloader to be spying. at that time the downloaders in good browsers did what i needed and i turned completely away from separate downloaders as using more products always increase the attack surface and i didnt need such any longer.

    for crawling i guess there are better tools than a downloader that needs to be fed by clipboard.

    for downloading a lot of files in parallel from a list, i would personally use a quickly coded script (download link from parameters using wget or on failure append the link to a failed-list) and then use something like:

    cat list | xargs --some-parameters ./dl-script.sh

    so that i could set limits of parallel downloads using the xargs parameters while not needing any extra software and beeing able to redownload the failed ones by just renaming the lists filename and run the command again.

    wget seems to support resume too, so i’ld try it that way but i never needed to.

    if you need the resume feature or download a lot on a daily basis, want adjustable speed limits by few clicks etc. a specialized downloader application is probably a better way to go and usually has a gui if you need that, but i have no need for downloaders and thus cannot recommend any except for quick use of wget and xargs maybe ;-)

    in general however i have ‘learned’ to try to prevent the use of products of specific programming languages which i had often more problems with than with others. its perl, ruby and java programs i try to prevent to use whenever possible. but that is based on personal experience like with ruby programs often basics (like turn on logging to find the problem didnt even log a single line not even in its debug mode) that are needed to at least administrate such programs were missing, bad or unhandy like java’s log4js default log rotation was horrible to use when forwarding logs and log4j was another thing by itself. However thats personal preferece to not use programs coded in these languages. same as with not using that one os vendors programs that are always in the news since decades with every week or so yet another 100% preventable security issue ;-) i just don’t like such.

  • that could come in veery handy once microsoft wants to pull some plugs. i guess we can be grateful for the backup that is 1. not 100% in m$ hands any more then and 2nd cannot be as easy destroyed as some backups at archive.org. i actually hoped for someone with enough money to create this type of security after m$ assimilated github and thought like “does nobody see the rising danger there?” but even if china’s great fork might be more reliable than m$ over time, maybe it’s better to have your own backups of all the things you actually may need in future.

    btw did microsoft manage to get rid of the hackers that settled into their network for … how long??

    i guess they’ll tell

  • and the ones finding apes on a planet just short ahead or into the beginning of those 10000 years might think “well lets teach them how to stack stones and let them call us gods for just showing some of our million years old and cheap replicated tech gadgets pewpew, how amusing! but now lets go on, this planet has water but way too much oxygen and also there is axial precession that would change weather over only few hundrets of thousands of years if not less, not the planet of choice for eternals like us, duh!”

  • Often children that are rescued are taken out immediataly and irrevocably for their security, this is done due to sometimes very realistic dangers to their life as well as to protect them from manipulation. Without such external help, a victim would have to do all alone what police in groups with lots of money sometimes struggle to accomplish. keeping kids safe (and that is true even when police does not have child abusers in their mids) is not always easy.

    They don’t have anywhere else to turn :(

    yes, i think that very often they have nowhere to turn to, and partly this is intentionally deployed by the abusers like cutting contacts with everyone that the child might be willing just to talk to so that some few words could reveal what really happens.

    Also by schools that report kids bad behaviour to parents (which in general is seen somewhere between unproblematic and good, but to the abused child, the school working hand in hand with the abuser, does not help with anything). But the hope to “leave forever once grown up” can help do the (mental) split (possibly there are other solutions like living in fantasy worlds or such or combinations) But leaving for real also has(!) to wait until the abusers are not officially “responsible” for the victim any more, otherwise gov could make sure that the situation gets even worse and this is a very realistic horrifying danger to the victim and regularily happens too. Having to wait means a child of i.e. 5 years may have to decide to wait until it is like 18 years old to actually be able to do the escape it so badly needs to develop its own life, this means it would have to decide to wait another 3times of its current lifetime/age just to securely be able to leave for real and start with developing its own life while the abusers have plenty of time to go on damaging the victims life, body, mind and soul. Also please be aware that countries exist where government is running (as in organising, financing and protecting from any justicial consequences) projects that involve getting hands on helpless kids, handing over those helpless kids to known previously convicted pedophile sex abusers (explicitly selected because(!) of the criminal record as a pedo sex abuser…), then protecting the abuser as well as the knowledge about the explicit handover “to a selected known child abuser” from the public knowledge while presenting “protecting the child” as the official reason for not making details public or even investigating how suizidal (i.e.) that kid actually is.

    That victims in general should seek help in such official child"care" facilities (which were the ones known to do the handover to the abusers) would not only be a slap in their face but could also might pose other serious threats to them. Already knowing a little bit how to handle and prevent worse abuses by that first abuser but beeing faced with a new unknown “parent” that is abusive too but maybe in other ways, is a huge risk and might get them in additional trouble just because they would have to start try protecting themselves but again with no knowledge about the new threat they are confronted with.

    “Officially” stopped (as in “a single one” of those child"care" offices has only stopped doing the handovers) projects tend to go on very long (just look how long we still have pirates on the seas despite the british crown and others took back those “letters of marques” once payd by a gov, a legalized crime will go on for centuries especially if the abusers happen to be protected by gov) From that stopped “handover helpless childs to convicted pedophile sex abusers” project (kentler “experiment”) up until now AFAIK not a single child has been rescued so far (thus the project continues with happy abusers and likely suicidal thinking victims)

    So in some lesser civilized countries (which usually thrive to call themselves the most civilized…) the official childcare much more looks like a real trap to face even more abuse.

    Some abusers build psycological traps for their victims like offering help but turn it into desaster then making the child (or even adults) responsible for any bad outcome (wich might as well be preparedly forged bad outcomes by the abusers. mind control bastards are in fact evil). Such experience could harm the victims overall acceptance of ‘help’ from anyone, effectively preventing offered true help from beeing accepted.

    Now say what to choose where an abused child “should” turn to “in general” and how the help has to be organised and offered to those children to actually help.

    Social workers often say that every abusive situation is very special while at the same times the schemes are often very similar.

    No matter what, the solution is never easy unless the abuser dies by a true accident or real health issues and luck lets the child find (luck no2) someone really trustworthy - no matter by which way. When thinking of humans and eternal life the point of abusers never dying is the one point where i would say if abusers could also live forever in case that humanity in general could, then it would be better humanity in general could not live forever.

    But also love IS part of human beeings, loving someone else makes us feel better and also heal a bit, pple say that sharing comes back twice and i think this is part of it. We humans do need to care for someone else or we get illminded, maybe feel the need of becoming richer and richer, more powerful and even more powerful every day, may it be in politics or in controlling other peoples lifes or minds effectively abusing them, becoming an abuser or such) that is loosing ground in our own minds and loosing real control over ones own life then sometimes raises the need to control others instead if that seems more easy or maybe more realistic or maybeveven pleasant, i don’t know. Maybe the love given by abused victims to their abusers is just that, keeping themselves sane, even if that sounds insane by itself, but given the circumstances sometimes could seem to be the smalles loss while loosing a whole life but just “not yet” every day :( which i see as a whole-life torture.

    Thats about the main parts of what i think why, not a single reason but a bunch of maybe’s one worse than the other.

    this is part 2 of 2