I have been waiting 12 years nothing has ever gotten better short things lead to long term truama it seems
That line never picks up I know what your talking about
99.9% of crisis lines in the us are eaither inaccessible or call the cops on suicidal people since only the ones that calls cops get funding
GraphineOS is more secure than the stock OS
Newpipe’s fork?
I don’t think so cause unlike the tweaked youtube apps, new pipe just happens to just scrape the video off youtube which is publicly accessible
I hope the sideloading update does not break stuff like the altstore, which is true sideloading
I’ve noticed with android everything is a Google feature, android is essential a closed source operating system
As someone who relies on GPS, a doordasher I kinda think it should be only for multi media and maps. AC and other controls should be nobs. Also steering wheel controls
Unrelated but does android support that thing where notifications can be encrypted and decryined on device, IE getting a message from signal and having it decrypted in device so you get the actual message and not just “new message” in the notification box
I always disliked RCS, I kept telling people it’s a walled garden, mainly controlled by Google
This always ends up happening lmao
We should bring back not having phone so employers can calls us outside of work hours to come in
This is why I only use FOSS shit.
This is America most of those cars should be ford f150
I feel like we invented streaming to return to cable, it’s the same fucking shit.
I feel the worst outcome of this will be mandated age verification on every website. I really hope the EFF is ready to fight like hell.
Yes we will build a massive nursing home and use the old people as batteries.
oh no the 737 Max is such a problematic plane.