At my urging, my husband tried making miso caramel and it turned out amazing. Great on ice cream. But also: miso latte
At my urging, my husband tried making miso caramel and it turned out amazing. Great on ice cream. But also: miso latte
I love the line about "we have 30 tools for [preventing this thing that keeps happening from happening] ". It’s marketing-speak all the way down. Like, wow! Thirty tools!
I didn’t say they were scared of gay people. I said they were scared of reality, which includes gay people, America’s history of racism, global warming, and scientists who know more than they do. These things threaten their identity, which can feel like actual physical danger. Certainly, the powerful and sleazy opportunists have used demonization of out-groups to manipulate the masses since the beginning of time, but I don’t think these maniacs screaming about pronouns at schoolboard meetings are pretending at gay panic as a clever ruse while they calmly and knowingly execute a fascism. My husband recently peeked at the facebook of one of his MAGA cousins and she is a maniac. There is nothing strategic about her behavior. She is wrapped up in an ecstasy of hate, driven by fear. It’s an old joke, but she is literally terrified that trans Muslims are going to sneak across the border to forcibly inject her with 5G. Literally.
And to be clear: I don’t care what is going on in their heads. It is unknowable. What I care about is how they are understood and defined by the ambient culture, and my recommendation is to relentlessly portray them as scared diaper babies desperate for their government daddy to come and save them from the big scary world.
We have to keep repeating this: These people are terrified of reality and think that it is everyone’s job to protect them from the real world. I don’t know if it’s helpful to use the term “snowflake”, but it is apt. Queer people exist in the world. There is no doubt. Trans people exist in the world. The Civil Rights movement occurred and was a big part of US history, as was slavery. If someone’s religion says that ham is a sin, we don’t ban it from school cafeterias. That, as we say, is a you problem. We have got to start hammering home that these people are afraid of reality and want big government to protect them from it. And we also have to start saying “Tough shit. Grow up. Learn to deal with the rest of the world or hide in your basement. I give zero fucks.”
What part of what you said is incorrect? All of it. For one example, trans people were not manipulated by the elites to seek to use the bathroom safely. Were MAGA asshats manipulated by the right-wing elites to care about trans people using the bathroom? Absolutely. And before that it was gay marriage. Since the beginning of this country, this is a tactic that has been used to divide the working class since Bacon’s Rebellion. It is very dumb to think that right wing shitheads who hate Muslims and don’t believe in climate change would agree to support Palestine and stop deforestation if we agree to let them torture trans children.
I am literally LOL-ing at your personal inventory of micro-contributions to the impoverished children of the world! But even then: You got a car so that you don’t have to risk your health on public transportation?!!! You know who can’t get a car to protect themselves from Covid? Palestinian Children! Even though you know that oil companies are destroying the global south and prop up fascist regimes all over the world, you give them money for your comfort and safety while the children die?
Do you see how ridiculous that kind of argument is?
“I don’t have a solution” No, you don’t. But even though you admit that, here you are just generally concern-trolling that maybe caving to fascists just a little on basic human rights for marginalized people is the key to dismantling the military industrial complex. Stop it. You are not helping.
Oh hey, look what just popped up in my feed as I was typing this. These guys are completely on board with your plan. Can’t wait to see you negotiate the end to American imperialism with these goons: Florida Bill Would Classify Calling Someone Anti-LGBTQ, Racist, Or Sexist As “Constituting Defamation Per Se”
ETA: Whoops! Just hit submit and I found another example of the people you think you might be able to win over if only SJW’s would stop yelling so much about pronouns! That’s two that appeared just while I was writing this comment. I can see now that you are right. If I hadn’t put pronouns in my bio, these people would have been great allies. My bad! Alabama GOP Bill Would Fire Board Of State Archives For Hosting Brief 2023 Lecture On State LGBTQ History.
ETA: Wow, if anything is true, it is that both my extreme intolerant wokeness and the people who - checks notes - banned the dictionary are equally unreasonable. Thank you for calling out both sides as gullible marks being duped by the elites. Thank goodness we have you here to push for a reasonable centrist position that will allow us to save the rainforest. Between you scolding wokeness online and wearing second-hand clothes, the future looks bright! Florida school district removes dictionaries from libraries, citing law championed by DeSantis
Oh please. Allowing fascists to terrorize queer people and ban books about slavery isn’t going to save the Palestinian children. Who are you? I feel pretty confident that if someone wanted to examine your life for five seconds we could see how you bathe daily in the blood of innocent children. Let’s start with whatever device you’re posting on and the energy that powers it. Let’s clean up your life before we consider throwing trans people to the wolves. I’m sure you will gladly sacrifice yourself for the cause.
“Speech code” lol. Calm down, Mary.
Here’s something you may not know: When you are gay, you have to come out constantly. That’s why famous people “announce” that they are gay. And let me assure you, gay people do not want to be the constant subject of public debate. We are the constant subject of public debate because people hate us and want us to die. And because people who maybe don’t hate us or want us to die are really obsessed with making sure that those people have platforms on social media and other mainstream media platforms. So, if it’s really wearing you down to hear about all these different kinds of people, maybe go yell at some bigots and the people who platform them?
Trans people actually need to use the bathroom sometimes.
Really wish we could stop with the “openly gay”. If you know somebody is gay, then they are out. If they aren’t out, you shouldn’t call them gay - with an exception for anti-gay bigots who should be called “probably gay bigot”. It’s minor thing, but I feel like this terminology fuels the right wing propaganda that gay people could just not exist if we weren’t so stubborn.
It’s sounds like we’re fundamentally in agreement, but I don’t even see the big deal if every once in a while there is one trans girl playing in a competitive youth league. Sure you could argue that there’s only so many spots on the team, so maybe some cis girl who would have made it loses out. But if you’re the 20th best player and you get cut because there’s one trans girl? I mean, you’re the 20th best player, you’re probably not going to be at the top of the recruiters list. I just feel like this time is so fraught for trans people. There are so many powerful forces literally trying to destroy them, I really don’t think we need to worry about hypothetical potential future slippery slopes in kids athletics. Once trans people feel safe, and ideologues aren’t using sports as a wedge issue to promote anti-trans panic, I’m sure we can come up with equitable solutions for these edge cases.
In competitive youth swimming, which I did as a child, the age groups are like 11-12, 13-14, 15-16. So, it was possible for someone who was 12 a week ago to swim against someone who turns 15 next week - a HUGE difference in terms of physical development. And if your birthday happens to fall in the weeks before the big championship meet every year, you are always at the bottom or middle of your age bracket for your entire childhood, never at the top. But the specifics don’t even matter. Age groups and grade classifications are to try to make things a little more fair so that little kids aren’t swimming against basically adults. But it’s not in any way perfectly fair. And also, it doesn’t matter! Let kids play sports and get the benefits of that activity. Your kid’s team winning - or losing - some sports game in 10th grade doesn’t matter. Keeping this girl from playing volleyball isn’t fixing any problem. In Utah they made a ban and there were literally 4 trans athletes in the entire state. It’s culture war bullshit. And people who start quoting bone density studies or whatever are either falling for it or willingly participating in it.
What is the distribution of athletic performance in volleyball between 14 year olds and an 18 year olds? In high school volleyball, it’s perfectly possible for a team made of all 18 year olds who are 6 feet tall to play a team that is all 14 year olds that are 5 feet tall. The idea that without the participation of trans girls, high school volleyball is completely equitable is ridiculous. High school sports are for fun, learning teamwork and discipline, and fitness. Who wins a high school volleyball game is not important. Certainly it’s not more important than the health and safety of trans girls - and non-gender-conforming cis girls who have been and will continued to be tortured by laws like this.
I am a giant music nerd and it is really weird how often I am completely wrong about the year that bands/albums came out. It’s pretty much just early 80s vs late 80s for me though.
We all know what to call you.
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