Having money isn’t everything. Not having money is.
Having money isn’t everything. Not having money is.
Recently, eh?
You consider the 1800’s recent? Because there were news articles reporting on the issue back then.
Here’s an article from 1896 for you to read over, provided you care about learning how you’re wrong.
By far my favorite. I play this one every year and will continue to do so until my death.
Jojo’s is already a work of comedy, but take what it already is and now imagine Joseph and Jotaro with thick cockney accents, Avdol as Bob Marley, Polnareff gains +6000% “HON HON BAGUETTE” style and Kakyoin is a drunk Australian half-assing his lines
Edit: in this hypothetical dub where every character is a caricature of themselves, Hol Horse remains entirely unchanged from original
That is outside of our scope of vision and equally as unknowable as the true purpose of God.
Everyone in the replies here is sleeping on the raw emulation power of most people’s phone, doubly so if you’re willing to bt sync a controller to it. I’ve got a significant percentage of the SNES and PS1 libraries playable on mine.
Uncle Enzo isn’t going to let you down unless you let him down first.
While you may be correct I think you’re still missing the point. CLI is for super nerds. While you and I may know how to use it, the average person doesn’t, and is unlikely to put in the effort to learn. That is the innovation that Apple made in bringing computing to the mainstream. It was precisely because people didn’t have to learn how to navigate the CLI environment and instead got an easy point-and-click interface that computers caught on with the public at large, and that gained Apple an absolute ton of cash money and noteriety.
If you judge a fish by his ability to climb a tree, he will live his entire life thinking he is a failure.
It is clearly criminal already.
I’m reading a lot of “this can’t be true because I feel that it isn’t” in this reply. But I can’t go individually track down all the sources at the moment so I’ll give the benefit of the doubt for now.
I mean in the 60s we all thought we’d be destroyed by atomic bombs
Which wasn’t something that was guaranteed to happen. You had a reasonable hope that political interaction would make that unnecessary, which is what ended up happening.
We are 100% guaranteed to face climate catastrophe and can no longer prevent it, only attempt to handle and contain it when it inevitably crosses the line of survivability, and even that is looking unlikely these days. These things are not the same.
The top two results you’ve posted here aren’t even SEO blogs, they’re official sources. Recipe sites have been bullshit since long, long, long before the past year and the current trend of SEO enshittification. This argument doesn’t hold water.
Would you rather trust information from Forbes, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, MassMutual Financial Group, or the Consumer Electronics Association?
Good, because that’s where nearly all their sources are from. Click the links. Leads right to the primary source.
At least read the article before dismissing it out of hand.
Especially because it seems like the overwhelming majority of adults have forgotten how much it sucks to be a kid. A kid or teen’s world is much smaller. Sure, their biggest problems might be next week’s science fair and what that one girl from math class thinks about them, but those are huge insurmountable problems to someone who has never had to worry about being unable to feed their family. The problems are comparatively smaller but that doesn’t mean they’re any less emotionally devastating. I remember being a teen. I remember the emotional and spiritual pain I went through trying to talk about the things I care about, or were worried about, only to be told that my problems weren’t problems and weren’t a big enough deal to matter. In the Grand Scheme? Sure, maybe they weren’t such a big deal. But at the time they mattered to me a lot.
Most adults have forgotten what it was like to be a teenager and they dismiss them out of hand.
Yeah but I’m not out here paying $50 to put some pixels on someone else’s post. Cry more
Your fellow Americans haven’t decided shit. Public opinion is overwhelmingly in favor of Ukraine. A handful of Republicans have decided that their bit of kompromat and pocket change is more important than the trajectory of world politics. You want to be mad at someone, be mad at them, and let’s make sure their history and policy choices are reflected when they’re up for reelection.
Insult, no elaboration. Classic. Nah I think he’s pretty spot on. If you’re going to say something about it then back up your argument.
Being generous, I’d say I could run maybe a half mile at full tilt before I collapse completely. +400% stamina would put me at two miles, and the shoes last “while stamina lasts.” Pretty strong, but not Flash OP.
Boltgun accomplishes exactly what it sets out to do. Great game. It gives me the same sort of power fantasy vibe that Space Hulk: Deathwing did but lets you actually move at the terrifying speed that a space marine should.