the three body problem being one of my favorite scifi until it was kinda solved a couple years ago
the three body problem being one of my favorite scifi until it was kinda solved a couple years ago
wonder why this is top post of today
ok its good that you are not trying to make one 'think right, but i find him more tolearable than many. he listens to others better than most, has a sense of humor, etc. i dont see why that plus interviewing rightists making him liable.
but every key you type here fails to address all those worse than him. and one day, they might convince him to join.
right but you know most people are not even close to that so its really mostly football for them.
cause you know, president is the most important thing in the entire universe, always.
not to say hes correct on this but i think there are a lot who are worse than joe rogan that you are able to meet
we are just starting to walk into one mark my words
welcome to the internet
if i got time i should probably mod llama 2 for this
wow lemmy truly hates joe rogan
used to. i mean live and learn. and realize what you and / or others think is important
be sure to look at yourself in the mirror lol
today i learnt