Yeah, there’s a bunch of DCs in Vegas.
Yeah, there’s a bunch of DCs in Vegas.
Not often you get to see the clown take off their makeup.
Must own a franchise to have a shit opinion like that.
I learned this back when iTunes purged all my purchases over a decade ago. Either stream or buy physical.
Political brain rot being inserted into everything now days, exhausting.
They said the same shit about Hillary. If she wins definite war with Russia, I knew people very concerned about that and it affected voting. I don’t understand the conservative mind.
Originally iPhone was not subsidized by the carrier, I paid nearly $1,000 for mine. I also was not aware of Mac rumors and the 3g came out a couple months later.
Why would you be under a vehicle to change a flat? You just sitting at the wheel legs under the car?
I suppose it’s just a byproduct of the cellphone boom and how fast things changed. Almost feels locked in by default to upgrade if you started out with a brick phone, flip, camera, then finally smart, and smart phones advanced pretty well for a while, but feels like they’re all the same now, incremental upgrades. But here I’m am still stuck on this ride.
I disagree with back up cameras, seems people don’t have any special awareness anymore and just stare at that screen, but maybe with those monster trucks it can help some.
Mary’s Igloo is too much for me.
DDR, use to talk mad shit about that game. Can’t remember what happened but I think my uncle bought it for me and then it just clicked. Ended up hanging at the arcade for hours all sweaty getting food court food.
Sorta fun when first introduced but now it’s just odd. Was it suppose to make the entire weekend more exciting besides just qual and the race?
Hell yeah, more Wendell.