Gotta love the ambiguity of this statement
Gotta love the ambiguity of this statement
Somebody search this man’s hard drives
Spyder on suicide watch rn
The thing is, in the winter you can just keep layering. But in summer, you can only remove so many layers before you have to rip your skin off to remove another one. Also I should mention that I’m in California where we get +35C summers and winter is 15C. BUT PEOPLE HERE STILL SAY SHIT LIKE “Can’t wait for the warm weather! 😁” THE FUCK YOU MEAN “WARM” THIS SHITS ACTUAL HELL
Summer fans are not real, no way you guys enjoy a billion fuckin degree weather and sunburns that turn you to leather or the absolute swamp in your pants from being outside for more than 2 minutes.
Rick and Morty quote, real ironic
Ok fed, you want me to believe that pluto isn’t a planet too? That they don’t just move shit around really fast when you take the elevator to a new floor? Nice try sweaty, this dog has a thesis on Thursday.
Do you have a degree in time? Do you even wear glasses? The dog is right always
Summer Enjoyers when they get 8th degree burns on their face after they pass out onto the concrete from heat exhaustion.
As I’ve said before. Quick brown fox is chill and comforting, like a pleasant autumn day at the park or perhaps a forest. Sphinx of black quartz is objectively a million times nerd shit and uncool. It tries too hard to be cool. Like a mom or dad trying to use the new slang that the kids have been throwing around. And because they don’t know how to use it, the slang is made to be out of place, uncool. Maybe if it was in the midst of some great, terrible, perilous story of bravery and heroics - a choice line said when it was most needed - it would be amongst good company. But it’s not. It’s just a sentence used to display the letters of the alphabet. So diluted and stale. Through this constant repetition, this constant exposure, it has lost potency. Venom in blood so carefuly exposed a hundred fold as to experience no symptom. But Quick Brown fox suffers no ill side effect, because it was bred for this purpose. It knows what it has been made to do and does it with pleasure.
Thanks for reading.
Pointless. He has always been right.
This Creativity-Detraction fetish must be studied…
I always post on thursdays
HOLY SHIT! Mine had the same stupid-ass rule! It was the mid 2000s for me, and I managed to get myself in trouble ONCE. The yard duties told me that I had to spend the rest of my lunch in the multipurpose room instead of getting to leave for recess. And you know what I did? I sure as hell didn’t stay. I snuck out as discretely as I could because even at my small age, I knew that rule was bullshit. Never got caught, but I’m still salty that I even got in trouble in the first place. Thanks for reading.
I’d like to think it’s just bruising, but that might just be me not wanting to find out it’s fungal. I’m in socal, and we did have lots of windy days this last month so I’d say it’s reasonable. I did also notice that it’s only on some leaves, and there are 1 or 2 plants that don’t seem to be affected.
Edit: On second look, I see what is very obviously fungal infection on my other set of strawberries. I’m gonna look into fungal treatments.
Thursday is a novelty of its own
Omg I love House I wish opiods were real