The facts are it’s an oligopoly which is rapidly moving towards pairing this with totalitarianism. Propaganda is so pronounced today that finding actual news is a chore, and if shared it’s labeled as “fake news”. A study was recently published demonstrating political moves are made without any care for how it impacts the masses. It’s tough to see the decline happen in real time while most deny it’s occurrence. Most are too focused on owning others in the working class with alternative ideals.
But in the U.S., the natural beauty is phenomenal. Yet it’s being traded to allow conglomerates to squeeze more profit out of dwindling resources. If something doesn’t change the course soon, this answer potentially could land me in prison in the near future. Which is counter to what the country was supposedly established to prevent. It’s rough in many aspects, yet not entirely hopeless, at least as of this moment.
I mean, it’s a part of his plea deal, so I felt of was relevant. Additionally, all the Wikileaks published data was old. However, it’s government secretes, so we’d either have to wait a few decades for the Fed to release it, like with MK Ultra information, or have it published much sooner by Wikileaks. Regardless, hopefully if there is any unpublished information it was handed over by Julian to associates outside of Wikileaks so they could release it before the Fed is forced to do it.