It’s nice to meet all you. I am she/her, can speak Toki Pona and English (non-natively), and locatable on Reddit as MozartWasARed. The links at and are pertinent to me.
Blood donating is typically anonymous in the sense that the recipient doesn’t know who the donor is.
Does donating blood count?
I’m not sure. I’ve never tested that out. Though I’ve heard that even just being made of metal risks extra vetting at the airport.
Pokéballs by far. They’re like handheld guerilla reinforcements.
Do you know those supermagnets that can be found in old computer hardware? I take one of those, a particularly strong one, which my BF and his relatives found for me once during the advent of their metal detecting hobby. Good for things like getting stuff out of hard to reach places or determining the material of something, though I’m told it’s not so good for those who have put their phone or credit card too close to my baggage. I even once took a toy out of a grocery store toy machine this way (screw the rigged crane, especially when you have a kid who just went through a tragedy).
Some contaminants don’t wash. Certain kinds of bacteria, blood, etc. would be relatively more hazardous than, say, everyday filth. Ever hear of people complaining they can’t get the faint smokey odor off of furniture they received from people who smoked in their living rooms? My home has (for guests) a specialized smoke room for this reason (think a bathroom but just for smokers, not for people who have to use the bathroom).
Now we know where all the TP went during covid.
What if there’s no sink nearby?
Doesn’t that come with its own issues of reusage though? I think they stopped promoting ShamWow due to these.
Two factor authentication.
My childhood was far from relatable. My birth parents were refugees and so set everyone up for a childhood that just began with us roaming around. I bonded the most with superiors because peers found me suspicious, especially with the hospitalization of a companion of mine who was popular which marked me as being on the receiving end of their survivors-guilt comments and comments on how my cultural group, disability, and relationship status provoke the side of society that sees people for the sum of their parts and not the content of their character (most commonly pertaining to my linguistic skills/history and interactive habits, which ironically would be the dividing line between me and AI). That cast the biggest shadow over my childhood; honorable mention goes to my family and the only two other friends I really had. Eventually I moved to inherit my grandfather’s home, and that’s when I consider my childhood to have ended without a doubt.
I have ten I could name and have named. The three that particularly would resonate with me are the idea I might still owe people things, there being less extreme ways of going about my issues, and the thought of what happens after death.
Have you not seen the episode of the Simpsons where Homer gets kicked out of Moe’s tavern?
Look up Guy Incognito.
I’m doing good, though I spent the whole last 48 hours working on a tiny, tiny writing project so I could get it exact, and it might not even lead to anything. The things I do when I need to sleep.
It’s about norms and vibes and nothing more. Their conclusion that you’re over 19 has about as much validity and basis as the feeling they will win the next scratch-off ticket.
It wouldn’t hurt. It’s a relative word. Some people way past their prime still could technically say they’re young or feel young.
It’s possible. You could constrict your hands somehow to find out.
I would also warn that, if you do anything in your sleep like this that is atypical of sleep, you are probably not getting a good night sleep internally.
Just a reminder that breaking the law isn’t ideal here. The laws that are there are there for a reason. My high school was full of instances where individuals who were seniors were with freshmans. And then the seniors turned 18, as time tends to do with people. They had to wait things out with some of the “pillars” (if you could call them that) of the kind of thing they were looking for. Where I live, there is no equivalent to the “Romeo and Juliet law”, the kind of law that might calibrate (perhaps overly so, or not in a good way) this kind of thing. Which some will say or point out is for the best. Whatever you do, I’d encourage you look up your laws to get an idea on this and how they map out the specifics. Can you settle for something that doesn’t clash with these? Yes? Good, settle for that. Some things can wait, my friend.
TIL men can do that.