The proletariat: exhausted cricket noises
I’m a little teapot 🫖
The proletariat: exhausted cricket noises
They’re terrible at their jobs and deserve blame.
I mean, they’re fantastic at setting up opportunities for record fundraising. Actually achieving our political goals, not so much.
The supreme court handing the Florida election to W was the tipping point. We still could have pulled ourselves out of the shit at that point. It would have been ugly and Republicans would have fought it every step of the way but that was the opportunity before the far right media networks had consolidated their holds on radio and TV.
This is what I’ve been telling the accelerationists for a decade. You don’t know what’s going to step in and fill the political vacuum (I mean, we do now and it’s angry white men playing at being gangsters) but I guaran-fucking-tee you it’s not going to be the social democracy or socialist utopia that leftists want. It’s going to be a bunch of thugs looting and burning govt for personal gain.
The Pacific States of America has a nice ring to it
Canada is running down the funding sources behind the freedom convoy. A bunch of involved domestic groups have been officially labelled domestic terrorists meaning everyone involved in funding them is on the hook. A whole bunch of that money was laundered through far right wing supporters in the US.
CA here, I’d like to be able to afford healthcare thanks. Our GDP would help Canada tremendously, it’s a fair trade.
Canada got serious about pursuing the money behind the freedom convoy and designated a bunch of those groups as domestic terrorists. By law Canada can go after everyone who funded them which, unsurprisingly, is largely Russia via right wing organizations in the US.
I mean he could nuke the border, that’s the other way to deal with hurricanes right?
+1, I absolutely loathe the twitter model of discussion because it’s a huge mess of out of order replies and random spam. Individual discussion posts with tree threaded comments are way, way, way more effective at keeping discussion relevant and directed. Also +1 re: moderation, social media functions best with effective, vigorous, moderation and the twitter model just sucks there.
When you’re coming from a position of extreme privilege and you’re either a bit stupid or lack empathy or general social awareness being treated equally with “lesser people” (like women, brown people or people from particular religious backgrounds) can seem an awful lot like you’re being discriminated against.
The entire goal is to smash as much of the federal government as possible before anyone stops them. If you break everything govt does then sell off those duties to an unregulated 3rd party there’s a metric shit ton of money that can be extracted from public assets and formerly public services that are now a revenue stream for whichever billionaire buddy you feel like handing those contracts to.
I’m at the point where I don’t know WHAT to believe now. Is this story bullshit? Maybe. Maybe not. Seems about as legit as anything else in this timeline. We’ve already gone through global pandemics, murder hornets, toilet paper shortages, Los Angeles best being described as “on fire”, and during the presidential debate, they asked trump if he has a concentrated well thought out plan. His response? “I have concepts of a plan”. THAT GUY then proceeded to win the election.
This was exactly the goal the entire time. The flood of conspiracy nonsense broke the public’s trust in almost every single reliable institution or source of news. Once that’s done people will believe whatever they agree with and if you flood them with enough narrative supporting your cause they’ll choose to believe you. Welcome to the Russian, Fox News and Republican propaganda strategy, this is how they converted half of voting age Americans into voters for a bankrupt “businessman” who’ll tear apart our entire govt, society and public for a profit.
Edit: this is why “fake news” was so alarming back in 2016, you’ve got journalists and competent trustworthy people presenting facts then political authorities pop off with “oh that’s fake news, just trust me” and all of a sudden truth no longer matters when it’s inconvenient for your party. Not that truth has mattered much in US politics for the last 75 years, govt and capitalist propaganda has clashed with the reality of life for so long that something like this was inevitable.
You don’t surrender to the people giving you your marching orders, you just hop when they tell you to hop
Surely these strongly worded articles will stop him
I’ve known a couple of people who had really bad reactions to Wellbutrin after brand switches. Both of them found it necessary to get a medical necessity exemption so they could get branded prescriptions. There’s more variability in a lot of these drugs across mfgr’s than people are aware of and you should talk to your Dr about switching to another brand or manufacturer if you’re having an adverse reaction.
Not as badly as you’d expect, modern compression is pretty quick using the lz*'s and you’re only expending cycles when you’re hitting swap
We joke but zram swap works wonders on low resource systems sometimes
Just remember, this is the worst things have been so far. The Trump admin still has shovels in hand, it can get much, much, worse.